as always:


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According to Editrix, we are almost all olds.

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"Dude" = "young buck", <i>if you know what I mean.</i>

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Sly like a rock and twice as smart.

And a little evil on the side.

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The House will have no problem passing a SNAP bill - they'll just keep cutting and cutting until they have all the GOPturds on board. And, like all 100% pure House Republican products, it will have zero chance in the Senate.

I expect the Senate will do just enough tweaking to buy off just enough House Republicans to get a combined Farm/SNAP bill through. Oddly, the handful of rational, pseudo-moderate GOP representatives have the leverage here.

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Only if they buy Monsanto® GMO seed and spray it with Monstanto®-brand Roundup.

Wisecracks aside, the CSA thing is new to me. Thanks for the info!

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Hate lasts longer.

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When I first saw CSA,I assumed it meant Confederate States of America, but that didn't look right in your context. I had to do a bit of Googling to find Community Supported Agriculture.

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Remember back in the 80s when we were all worried about the disappearing family farm, and John then-"Cougar" Mellenkamp organized Farmaid concerts and Jessica Lange and Sam Shepard made movies about heroic farmers and that awful book about bridges?

Well forget it. There's nothing left but hobby farms and agribusiness. Oh yeah, there's also a big-gov program to shove money at that industry. How does the subsidy outlive the industry it was supposed to help?

Boeing and Lockheed Martin fervently hope nobody notices they exist in the same fantasy universe.

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<i>"In a rare instance of being able to get more yea votes than nay votes..."</i>

That's not rare -- the weekly Obamacare repeal bill routinely gets a majority.

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While taking out all the 'fun'.

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Pay for it? They <i>wrote</i> it!

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When people are broke and hungry, they'll work for minumum wage, part time, no benefits, and be so glad to have any job at all that they'll be afraid to unionize.

For the Walton klan, and the Koch Bros, and the banksters, a return to the 1880s looks like "progress".

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That list sounds much better in the original German.

(Hat tip to Molly Ivins' ghost.)

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