There is an alternate universe version of Archie? We're in deeper shit than I realized.

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Or at least hauling them off to the FEMA camps.

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Has anyone ever met someone who has ever read Archie comics?

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You all need to understand stump breaking calves is hard on work and you just cant walk away to attend any darn old court hearing

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Yes - "Dr." Don can't wait to tell everyone he is a medical professional who has spoken to 1,000,000 (wish I were making this up, but I'm not). He offers claptrap analysis of "little boys." As a matter of fact, I think he spends far too much time writing about little boys. Although he does claim he and Katie Pavlich "bonded" through the radio...

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Because he can.

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Well now, them heavily armed Amurricans are just there to make sure he doesn't git into any REAL trouble.

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<i>conviction on burglary and weapon charges.</i>

Um, if he's a felon, is he allowed to be around all those guns and heavily armed yahoos in the first place?

Enjoy prison, girlfriend.

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OT: One of our own is under attack! Over at Amazon "GK" had the nerve to link to Wonkette's review of Katie Pavlich's new screed. She is being attacked by the Right Wing Nutz.

Click on the Amazon link to the right (Editrix can use the cash) and defend GK and Wonkette!

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"...there are probably still plenty of militia dudes left around the ranch..."

Minus the two Las Vegas neo-Nazis, of course.

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Bundy may be a jackass, but that calf is a cutey,

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<i>Lance Bundy tells The Associated Press he underwent surgery that same day in Henderson for a nerve pain condition...He’s been recuperating since then at his parents’ home...he’s trying to get his program counselor to help him respond to the warrant. </i>

So shooting up in his parents basement, and having trouble coming down from the high, gotcha.

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