It’s gonna get worse....my prediction for the 2020 GOP ticket is:


The Newt has been floating back into the public sphere recently, and this entire government takeover was his though-baby born in the mid-80’s.

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Gelatinous Cubes: the night cleaning crew of D&D dungeons.

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Yay! You got the reference!

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Derek Smalls looks like shit! (Side note: Mr. Schearer, if you are reading this, I think YOU are adorable.)

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Last time I stood on the supervolcano that is Yellowstone National Park, I could feel the geothermal power all around me and beneath my feet. If we had a smart grid, it could power the entire country, apart from Hawaii and Alaska.

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That guy looks like chlamydia in human form.

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Ooh, who knew that sword could be sharp on both sides - ?

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Funny how it's all "personal views are irrelevant" when it is a repugnant Republican, but not if it is someone tangentially related to someone who has voted Democratic

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Which department is going to take all private land from people along the southern border, cutting off access to the Rio Grande to all Americans? And cutting the land of one native people whose land straddles the border? Is it him? Now that America and not Mexico is paying.

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I can't get over the dystopian zaniness of the Trump rallies, and how wound up he gets the very folks so badly wounded by his failing, flailing policies. "This is the way the world ends, Not with a bang but a simper..." In my own mind I've rebranded him and his acolytes: Pussychopathic Clown Posse and the Repuggalos.

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If Giphy were popping up for me, I'd post the Captain America "I understood that reference" gif. Just, uhh, imagine it here.

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I think you missed a prime "vegan butthole" insertion opportunity, otherwise, 10/10. :)

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i'm surprised they didn't get Cliven Bundy - but maybe he still doesn't believe taht the federal government exists

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Or he was just very intimate with someone who does love him (or pretends to) who had diarrhoea from the usual place.

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"Acting" Director == He/She/It sucks donkey balls.

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PSA: When doing research, avoid using Wikipedia as a source. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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