I hope they will spend some time getting to the bottom of the Dreaded Risotto Disaster.

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No consequences? https://uploads.disquscdn.c... Here's why

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Some xtians also have no problem. Some actually have a differeant attitude toward science, and/or to when the fetus is "ensouled", or at least realize that it depends on the circumstances. They just don't scream as loudly.

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Can no longer fit through the door.

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I'm starting to think that was a mistake. It was easier to identify them when they had fewer teeth.

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Despite the fact that it's a pack of lies, it's still not as bad as conspiring with Russia to launch a cyber-warfare attack on Americans. That's treason.

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Mommy* won't allow it.

*could be actual mother, or *shudder* spouse. À la Pence.

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We should be doing just that. At least our legislation would be beneficial to the majority of Americans because we're not hateful scum like the redditors featured in this post.

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The Cimmaron was a J-body car from GM.Aries/Reliant was a K- car from Chrysler.

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I do understand that. However, given the sheer VOLUME of the funnymentalists, this makes a shorter and clearer statement. I mean, heavens forfend, let me clutch my pearls, you don't think those assholes even know how to *spell* the word "nuanced", do you?

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These assholes again?

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Àʼnđ Ȗmļàūţŝ!

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That's where they keep their drugs!

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...or the smell test, an IQ test, etc...

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Those poor animals. :(

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