We used to get cars using our drive to do 3 point turns quite often. The worst they ever got from us was the odd critique of their technique (pre-power assisted steering)
Honestly there’s no where more terrifying that rural sparsely populated white America, and I say this as a white man.
I really thought pulling into a driveway lightly was a common neighborly way of saying “I am lost and I’m trying to turn around without causing an accident”. I guess I should always assume there’s a man desperately piddle pants afraid of young women and ready to shoot at all times.
That happened in Georgia a few years ago. A group of Latino college kids going to a party got the wrong address. The driver pulled into the wrong driveway and got killed for his trouble. The shooter got away with it and his insurance company paid the kid’s family a settlement.
Can we not forget Antonin Scalia please? Just because he's dead does NOT mean we can fail to give him his due share of credit for Kaylin Gillis' death. Be polite!
"Republicans should stop humping guns long enough to consider the impact of their out-of-control violent crime propaganda..."
They have considered the impact. Random shootings by hate-filled white men of everyone else -- minorities, women, young people -- are a feature, not a bug. It's called terrorism.
Ralph Yarl shooting - update: Suspect Andrew Lester released from jail on bail
$10 says Kevin Monahan will be released if he can muster up bail as well…
These people are a danger and menace to society. Why the fuck are they not being held until trial?
being white and able to post bail while murdering a nice kid.
He added that his client "sincerely regrets this tragedy.”
Oh, in that case, if he SINCERELY regrets this tragedy……..Water under the bridge then I guess.
If Gillis were still alive, she would also regret this tragedy. It's good that they can find common ground.
We used to get cars using our drive to do 3 point turns quite often. The worst they ever got from us was the odd critique of their technique (pre-power assisted steering)
Elderly white men high on Faux Noise propaganda are supposed to be able to shoot anyone, anytime, anywhere. That's the MAGA wet dream.
Let's not whine and bicker about who killed who!
Honestly there’s no where more terrifying that rural sparsely populated white America, and I say this as a white man.
I really thought pulling into a driveway lightly was a common neighborly way of saying “I am lost and I’m trying to turn around without causing an accident”. I guess I should always assume there’s a man desperately piddle pants afraid of young women and ready to shoot at all times.
That happened in Georgia a few years ago. A group of Latino college kids going to a party got the wrong address. The driver pulled into the wrong driveway and got killed for his trouble. The shooter got away with it and his insurance company paid the kid’s family a settlement.
What makes this latest atrocity different is that a young white woman was killed. Whether or not that produces a different result...
Well, that and it happening in a Union, not Confederate, state
Can we not forget Antonin Scalia please? Just because he's dead does NOT mean we can fail to give him his due share of credit for Kaylin Gillis' death. Be polite!
Utterly despicable.
State laws will help.
"Republicans should stop humping guns long enough to consider the impact of their out-of-control violent crime propaganda..."
They have considered the impact. Random shootings by hate-filled white men of everyone else -- minorities, women, young people -- are a feature, not a bug. It's called terrorism.
This asshole was not afraid. He was just pissed that someone would dare to trespass.