“The REASON the EVENT by Sheriff Joe & his Cold Case POSSE was CANCELLED is because the Sheriff & others are TOO DUMB to SEE the MURDERS Barack Obama had his Security Adviser John Brennan commit on Obama’s Gay Lovers in Chicago,” Well, glad to have THAT explained.

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If the President is re-elected and we take back 2/3 of the House, I sure hope we get a Consumer Protection Bureau and fill it with MPs, JAGS, and military accountants who have served in Afghanistan and Iraq to go after these goat fucks. Wells Fargo needs some military justice.

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I have experienced same. With less than 50 comments, your Pness is a tenuous and volatile figure. That your current P# is so high clearly indicates that you have thus far been well received here and the other places you may be commenting. However until you have made more comments, your Pness is at the mercy of your latest thumbs-up count on your latest submissions. More comments with higher thumb counts cements your higher P value. It is fairly simple averages math.

My advise would be to continue <i>being you</i>, and submit comments exactly as you have and how you have. But be ready for a P roller coaster when some of your comments don't make those higher thumb-counts.


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I really expected someone to point out that the "taking everything" you have part <em>is</em> a core function, but they normally prefer to do it by making numbers dance like Rafalca, not by actually breaking in.

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I think smoots are only legal tender in Boston.

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Over the weekend I sent this in to Wonkette Tips.

Y'all publish it Monday afternoon and I get no props?

I feel violated as a Wells Fargo customer...

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Looking back at my response, I'm thinking I oversimplified. I should add that there appear to be algorithms also at play. It has been posited that having followers, and the quantity of those followers, may also play into the P figure (I am myself still unclear if this is true). Quantity of comments is, in the long run (as in thousands of comments), also almost assuredly a factor.

But for you now, while you are in the 0-200 comments count, it has been my experience that your Pness will remain volatile; and may travel both up and down.

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And wearing those shockingly low-cut shrubs.

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I used to know what a cubit is.

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In this case, "contractors" is a synonym for "B&E Specialists".

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10 acres isn't a distance, it's an area.

However, the olde English acre was based on a strip 220 yards by 22. So I guess by 10 acres they maybe meant 2200 yards? That's well over a mile.

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The CONTRACTORS were living in the house? My experience with contractors is that they visit your house as little as absolutely possible.

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Breaking into houses and taking everything isn't really a core function of a bank. This is actually a task it makes more sense to contract out than do in-house.

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Or chains. Don't forget the chains.

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Try share-cropping on those babies. It's a lot of work pulling those fibers when they're ready.

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