Ah, the plan I wish Beto had.

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Yes! Even if I don't know the answer, I can still see that their plan is making it worse. Like, I am not an electrician, but I'm pretty sure taking a sledgehammer to the fuse box is a bad idea.

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Thanks. Subscribe not clicked, just random glitch I guess.

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There was also a pub in Northern Michigan once, Little Dicks Halfway Inn...

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if they dont want her to run, why are they even mentioning her at all?

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Even if she only comes within 2 points of winning, it helps Democrats statewide--it's why they also need a heavyweight against Cornyn. And state and national organizations should be right now working round the clock getting voters registered and setting up neighborhood level campaign cells to boost turnout as much as possible. The vote next year is our Flight 93 election.

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Wouldn’t Wendy have to move to Austin? In any case, I hope someone really good declares against Cornyn.

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Best Science Fiction Ever.

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They were planning to call it Fromunda Cheesecake

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Oh, it's not that one can't tell from the artwork. I was commenting on my own contradictory vocabulary. "Animation" vs. a "still".

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I just looked at a map of the 21st Congressional District. It is clearly a gerrymandered nightmare, designed to dilute the Democratic voters in Austin and San Antonio with a huge hunk of Republican hill country. Austin, with a population of about a million, is clearly carved up into chunks. My kid lives in Austin and apparently is in the 21st, so she'd get to vote for Davis if she's still there by the time the 2020 election rolls around.

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The very thought of licking Ted Cruz makes me want to vomit. I'm guessing he tastes like Cream of Mushroom soup and fear.

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Just the singer and the bass player. The rest are sidemen, mostly from the Judean Liberation Front.

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There was a fun article (can't recall where) by an ornithologist who identified all the various birds on the show. Sounds like the New Yorker should read that article.

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