Too many syllables.

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Her mistake was being married to the father of her kids. If she had stayed unwed and not bothered to go to college, she could have become a brainless mouthpiece on a cheap reality show, mechanically repeating talking points scripted for her by the people who pay her rent. In other words: bootstraps.

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To be fair, Sarah rarely comes to anyone's defense except her own.

Blah blah momma grizzly yadda yadda.

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The short answer is this: Bristol Palin opens her mouth to say something mean-spirited, stupid, and inaccurate. This buys Wendy Davis 5 free minutes on the teevee. Thanks, Bristol!

Here's a longer answer: In the TX gubernatorial race, Wendy is going to have to show that she is as badass as the baddest. She has to wear the damn 10-gallon hat and the six-shooters, and be all sassy and tough and gristly and at the same time feminine and cute, and remind people over and over that she is A Mom. If she can follow the Ann Richards playbook, she could well be elected governor this fall.

Running for higher office as a woman in Texas is like running for higher office as a woman in 1956.

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Did you reserve your snark for the offspring of Cheney, Paul or Bush, Sr.? Griftette Jr. opened the door, step on through and join the party.

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Would that be like the tickle pink wine cooler

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needs moar self awareness

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The sneaker up Bristol's arse is a good start.

Now we need something to plug the shit that speweth from her piehole like a BP oil derrick. Where's Red Adair?

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Let me say this in a language that the Palins claim to understand. <a href="http:\/\/biblehub.com\/matthew\/7-5.htm" target="_blank">Matt. 7:5</a>.

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I think she kicked off her boots on the way to the tent.

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It was good that Davis issued a correction but it's not like facts ever changed a Palin's mind. Facts are liberal.

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gotta agree with that. It may have irked the wingnuts when Bamz quoted that line from the untouchables about bringing a knife to a gunfight but those wingnuts would find (or invent) something to be irked about regardless and he was right. Politics is a blood sport and turning the other cheek usually just means you'll get hit twice

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