sarcasm, how does it work?

On a lighter (pale reddish) note, the Amazon reviews on the shoes' page are wonkworthy.

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It works like this: women who have abortions never ever also have children. And women who have a kid never ever also have an abortion. So if you have a kid, that proves that you would never have an abortion. Therefore why not be anti-choice, since it would never affect you personally if abortion were banned?

Short version: Why aren't all mothers hostile to the freedom to choose?

This mentality is fostered by a) the standard GOP hostility to any behavior or way of life preferred by people they don't happen to know personally; and b) the silly but widespread myth that having an abortion is a traumatic, handwringing decision that women only choose after great angst and much questioning, and also tears.

It cracks me up that Rick Perry clearly cannot picture the possibility that Wendy Davis has had an abortion. What a tool.

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More likely show a permission slip from a male relative.

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Your words to George's ear...

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That abandoned super-collider project in Texas would make a perfect Abortionplex/Gay sauna

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Oh my god. Just watched the Daily Show on DVR. I was afraid that Wendy would get lost in the coverage of DOMA and Prop 8, but they went all out on Wendy- and the GREAT Kristen Schaal proved once again why she is so totally awesome. If you haven't seen last night's daily show, you should.

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Rick has asked that the Austin-Bergstrom International Airport be renamed the Austin-Bergstrom World Airport because Rick has problems spelling and saying INTERNATIONAL.

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it's the GOP way. throw mud, derail government and get people so apathetic and depressed that they stay home. When only wingnuts are motivated to vote they win

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I'm so glad I missed that phase- always hated that show

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these pink shoes were made for walking...

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but for a different reason- he'd just miss the bottle

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YEEHAW! ect.

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I fully endorse this product and/or service.

edit: <a href="http:\/\/i1115.photobucket.com\/albums\/k551\/denniverse\/sara-benincasa-wendydavis_zpsce59cd12.jpg" target="_blank">And I am not the only one who does.</a>

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Good, because I was just warming up to you...

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"Our governor should reflect our Texas values."

To be fair, most people seem to think being stupid IS a Texas value.

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