If circumstances do create a depression with soaring unemployment, that could put the brakes on automatic re-election.

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Five time deferment coward, he is.

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Hillary and Obama, working from their secret basement hideout under Comet Pizza.

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I had that co-worker and had to share an office with her. She was both ass-kissing and malevolent as she would set up "team meetings" designed to make her look good and the rest of the team look unprepared AND she took lavish credit for "accomplishments" that accomplished very little in actuality or that had been actually done by someone else. She was very much my junior taking home more than twice as much as I was (I was deferring half of my salary as upper management of a start up) and just being in the same room with her would shoot my blood pressure into the stratosphere. She had no idea what she was doing, and when I invited her to sit in on a phone call with the CEO of a major Indian hospital system and take notes, she got bored AND LEFT HALFWAY THROUGH. After three months the boss finally caught on and fired her ass.

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I actually had used the word "endgame" last night, when I read that DOJ had asked for sweeping new emergency powers from Congress. While I was happy to see that Congress said "NO!" on a bipartisan, I still expect this administration to try anyway.

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I'd have a lot more respect for Ann Romney if she'd put money into organizing for immune compromised people perhaps not only specifically for people suffering from MS.

if she already has done that/is doing so, then I apologize and applaud her for it.

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Ta, MM.

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So do I understand correctly that in times of crisis the government needs to step in to direct allocation of resources to the most efficient use? Isn't that what capitalism is supposed to be best at? Invisible hand and all that?

Funny how ideology crumbles unnoticed in times of crisis without needing any explanation

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That last gif...I just keep seeing black and grey fingers with bright red nails pointing to the center of the pic over and over and over again... strangely mesmerizing. Having not seen the flic, took me a minute to see it for what it was.

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Except, as Triumph might say, to poop on.

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We don't need Captain America. We need Thor.


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Self medication?

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Betty White is awesomer.

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β™« I am the Ruler of the Queen's Navee! β™«

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Kensington Curbstomp if you're not into that whole brevity thing.

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