I think the Sovereign Citizens of West Virginia* are mostly full of Freedom Coal Water.

*this would make an excellent name for a ballad

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An entrepreneur in Iowa is working on a bacon - chocolate spread for bread, you girl friend, whatever. He might be able ot work the concept into to a personal lubricant.

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Bacon flavored lube has been around for a few years

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Nobody tells me anything! I have been stuck using capocollo. Alas.

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Or the name of a band

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The word "health care" is so misleading. It is not like it means people are going vegan and drinking water, in most cases it means they are sick from unhealthy habits and they are going to get drugs that don't work anyway. It's not that this plan is really going to help people who are sick anyway.

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As far as I can figure, Obamacare Agents force you to stir ground flaxseed into your Jello and give your flat screen TV to hobos.

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The mining industry is working on that as fast as they can

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Just make it good chocolate. Sadly it seems like a lot of it is sugar with chocolate flavor. All be it I normally add alcohol to it, so no promises if you go straight chocolate.

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In response, the Federal Government has decided not to make payments to West Virginia Social Security and Medicare recipients....tic....toc....tic....

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Well they are mad at Obammy because of the war on black lung also too, its just not right that he wont let them death panel all the sick people there The epa wants to clean up their water and we dont need clean water seems to be the rally cry,these folks here are the ones if he came out in favor of breathing they would stop it

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Hi-ho, West Virginians! You just might consider voting for some different representatives next time around, because - between the spilled toxic oil, chemicals flooding your drinking water, wretched conditions in the coal mines, destruction of your hilltops, and threats to keep you from having affordable health care - the ones you have now almost seem intent on killing you.

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What's that coming out of your nose?...

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You win 20 right wing whackos from other websites getting pissed at you, reading through all of your old comments and replying to them and their attempts to doxx you. Enjoy! Sincerely, someone who learned the hard way.

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Yeah, but the damn Feds aren't telling them how to live their lives!!! So they win (in their minds)

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Don't be too rough on them, guys, k? They have to do stupid stuff like that so the you-know-who bros, from Wichita, (Mr. Potter and his brother, the other Mr. Potter, from that Jimmy Stewart flick) know they're still on board with their destroy-America plan.

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