To be accurate, they should take the top off the mountain, and show a trail of coal-contaminated water running down the side.

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The stupid, it hurts!

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Its West by Gawd Virginia what in the hell did you expect,these bubby bangers have no clue about their own lady parts so why in the hell should they care about anyone else.Rape is ok there specially iffin it is atween kin folk who is no further removed than second cousins once you get further off than that it is only a violation of privacy,you have no right to look at your 3rd cousins pussy unless your uncle says it is ok which he will for a dip of copenhagen and a natty lite,hell for a good sip of corn squeezins you can squeeze your aunt and he will help her undress.They have a chant that you will hear at every family reunion that goes like this Incest is Best and we toast those what do it most

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For not fucking their sisters

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and give birth by puberty

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Mount your momma take me home country roads

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<a href="http:\/\/www.urbandictionary.com\/define.php\?term=gomer&amp\;defid=789193" target="_blank">Gomer</a> of Texas? <a href="http:\/\/img.wonkette.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/01\/otters.jpg" target="_blank">Mannish Lutra</a> of Idaho?

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Ms. Blair has a bright future ahead of her, replacing other self-hating women when they finally shuffle off this mortal coil.

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If ladies in West Va. want an abortion after 20 weeks, they'll just have to drink some tap water.

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<i>"...I urge you to not punish the child, but to punish the one who impregnated her without her permission."</i>

She's watched too many episodes of <i>Law & Order: SVU</i> where they always catch the guy. (I have watched too many episodes also but all I learned from Detective Benson is "It's going to OK".)

But why put the childrearing burden on the rape victim. Young Delegate Saira Blair should mandate the child be adopted (involuntarily) by a randomly selected citizen of West Virginia. It would be like winning the lottery for the lucky recipient of the beautiful child. Maybe Delegate Blair will win one!

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I'm told women are also pain capable during both rape and childbirth. Probably a liberal lie.

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Bill Kristol is already vetting her for higher office.

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Cunty roads, take me home . . .

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West Virginia has given me pain for more than 20 weeks. Why can't we pass a bill to do something about <i>that???</i>

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That won't help when her rapist won't pay child support from prison.

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See all I learned is that Elliot Stabler certainly seems like they typical NYPD officer when it comes to what "civil rights" means.

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