According to the <a href="http:\/\/www.rinkworks.com\/dialect\/dialectt.cgi" target="_blank">official redneck translator</a> : "Wawk makes yo' free!"

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GOP disdain for the poor is color-blind. As befits the Party of Lincoln.

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This was in Denver, a long time ago. They had 10 studios across the country at the time. It was a privilege to help such people.

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In WV, "taking out the trash" still means dumping it in the woods out back.

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I'm inclined to think he's accidentally right when it comes to reading science fiction. Unless of course he means L. Ron Hubbard, and Xtard just-so stories.

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By pure coincidence, the USDA programs also gave the government a way to unload a lot of the products they bought in order to prop up the price of milk. (This was before they got up the nerve to flat out pay subsidies.) You couldn't store milk, so they made kilotons of government cheese out of it.

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Nah, he wasn't a rookie -- read ttommy's post again.

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For your own protection, perhaps you should start wearing an <a href="http:\/\/www.solutions.com\/jump.jsp\?itemID=17899&amp\;itemType=PRODUCT" target="_blank">inflatable tie.</a>

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Wow, good job man. Glad you are trained. That's much better than just trying to get out of the way of the large man falling on you, which is what I'm trained for.

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I think property tax is supposed to, but with depressed housing values that is not the best source, not to mention foreclosed properties where banks say 'fuck you, I'm out' and don't pay the taxes. My brilliant idea is to fund schools with a tax on juice boxes and chicken nuggets. SInce I don't have kids, this would work out great for me - have you seen how many juice boxes those little fuckers can go through if allowed to run wild? Budget surplus, here we come!

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Jamaican parents here, and me and all my cousins recall being told to 'pick up' the shag carpet in the 70/80's. As in, on hands and knees, grab a tuft of carpet and pull it up so it was fluffy. This was after vacuuming the carpet, raking it, then the picking. Yeah, carpet rakes, where the hell was child services back then?

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I noticed the start of a "draft Brian Schweitzer" campaign in my inbox last night. It's quite astonishing to think how much of an improvement even a conservedem like Schweitzer would be over Max "if Obama's for it, I'm squarely against" Baucus.

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We already have "slavery lite", it's called the prison system. I know you know it's not a coincidence that conviction rates show a massive racial disparity while the 13th amendment has an exception for convicts.

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Apparently someone thought the phrase "well manicured lawn" was intended literally.

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Don't let them miss handwriting class though. How else will they be able to make effective "Will Work For Food" signs?

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