Maybe - but the French have a very complex culture - look at what happened in Lille.

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I could if I was a Republican.

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But of course!

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...and he's in his 20's

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Hey, with that menu, throw in the Detroit Suburban City Council and clear the decks for tomorrow's crop of dorks and idiots.

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So true. Can you imagine living daily with that sort of hatred and aggression burning inside of you?

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Those kids look clean, well-fed and bruise-free. Ain't happening.

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Unfortunately, the religious exemption get-out-of-jail-free card allows parents to inflict all sorts of damage, short of bodily dismemberment and death, on the children.

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I thought the Men's Rights Movement beat out their message on tom-toms. They've updated their communication system?

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It would be irresponsible not to ask.

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Reddit and incomprehensible memes.

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So, about that "omnipresent" thing....

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Word. These guys are more stale than that month-old bag of chip fragments in the back of my cupboard.

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Better to let them live; let them remember the sting whenever you so much as glare at them hard enough.

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Where is the Bastille when you really need it?

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