Hence, the nausea.

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Oh, Mr. Robinson, what i wouldn't do to see you on the TeeVee machine opposite the likes of Navarro, preferably as the host and chief interrogator! Making (scratch that- earning) the big bucks, getting your face and name out to a much wider audience, and TELLING THE GODDAMN TRUTH, taking no prisoners.

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The NIH would never authorize clinical trials of a medication with such a problematic past history. Such a trial would run completely afoul of all their ethical guidelines. Not that this would stop Trump.

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Add “in my wheelhouse,” to the list, if you please.

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Sweet jeebers, through the fucking looking glass!!! Navarro who has neither medical expertise nor portfolio is jibberjabbering medical advice, but claims the one thing that arguably is in his portfolio, federal leadership and policies to reduce infection rates, isn't "in his lane". Rot in hell with votes you pissant.

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The interview I saw on Sunday - I forget which network - Navarro used the terms "Communist Chinese" repeatedly, maybe 6 or 8 times in a five minute period. It was like a verbal tic, or a common shithead such as Donald Trump and his truncated vocabulary.

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"I'm color-blind" is the first claim that closet racists like him make. The only blindness he truly has is to his own racism.

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The reason why they keep pusjing this drug and as ran in the daily beast a few months back is that the drug manufacturer aeolis CEO john mcmanus who is good friends with jared 666 kushner and the govt contract for hydroxychloroquine had run out.

As with all good fascist regimes, you take care of the family and friends plan so jared and company spent federal funds (our tax paying dollars) to stock pile this drug and bail Aeolis.

Now, they have a stockpile of hydroxychloroquine and no way to unload at a higher price or tumeframe.

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I also lived part of my life in California in a "race-blind" world. When I was a sprat we lived in a community that didn't see race at all. That's because there wasn't any diversity to see, it was all white people. White people like my folks who didn't consider themselves racist because they only said the N word when nobody was around to hear it except their close friends or their kids or they were drunk.

I am often reminded in these discussions of the bit in Ulysses* second chapter when Deasy, the old bigoted Tory schoolmaster, Stephen's boss, says "Do you know why Ireland has never had any problem with the Jews? Because we never let them in!"

*Gratuitous intellectual preening alert

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You know, if this virus wasn't so FRICKIN DEADLY like a shark with a laser beam strapped to its head, the attempted spin and befuddlement at its failure from these d-bags would be downright comical. Its like these dudes simply *cannot believe* that if they just repeat 'China virus' often enough, the country will eventually shrug and forget who it is that's sacrificing us on the twin altars of greed and incompetence.

Oh, and I already saw a troll trotting out that whyyy won't they let us use a drug that's been vetted and is on the WHO list and is just fiiiinne (for unrelated illnesses) hyperbole this morning. Wondered where it came from; now I guess I know. #jaywilliamstrollfarm

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"Insulin has been safely used for YEARS and suddenly these so-called experts are telling American citizens that they cannot use it to protect themselves from Ebola!"

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You know who used to live in "race blind" California?

Rodney King.

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It's funny how the people who claim to not be able to see race also can't see racism.

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Who got his job because Slumlord Jared saw his book for sale on Amazon.

A book with made up experts endorsing it.

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Made up experts that had names which were anagrams of his own, right?

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