Noted philosopher Mick Jagger once said: You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometime, you just might find you get what you need. Have been disappointed in a lot of primary results in our day, but you get your dead ass off the bench and play for the home team when the big game comes.No matter what.

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troll. You say don't fight then antagonize with "Sanderistas".

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Sorry, I can't read your post. The glare from all these College Football National Championship trophies is blinding me, LOL.

But seriously - you're going to love the SEC. Going to games is 100x more fun than what you had to endure in the Big 12 (except for Iowa State, which I've heard is awesome. We're going to make a trip to an Iowa State game this fall!). And I hope you get to go to a game at Ole Miss. The Grove is everything you've heard about, and more. There are no strangers in The Grove, no matter whose jersey you're wearing.

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I think the McCain team/his supporters understood he was going to lose. Romney’s team was shocked (they’d ignored polling) but his supporters were more disappointed than outright devastated. It’s still hard for me to watch the people assembled at what would have been HRC’s victory party. The young people, the women of all ages ... seeing them go from expectant joy to misery is just painful. (And of course, Republicans made mocking videos with this footage.)

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Hillary worked her ass off. So did much of the female base, who knew RvW was on the line, and particularly black women who had no illusions about the appeal of racism and sexism in America.

You might have thought it, no one else did. Do you think we made all those phone calls and texts for shits and giggles?

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Trashing Lamb to show how ready you are to come together with others is not a great look. If you do not want to re-run 2016, how about not doing it?

I am giving zero money in this primary.

My greatest hope, which is why I am not sending in money now, is that they genuinely come together after the primary after not trashing each other too much to reach out.

My greatest disappointment is the recognition that there is no fucking way that PA is going to elect a woman as Senator, probs in the next 20 years. So we can not have a woman president because of sexist fuckery in part because PA. sigh.

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Not to sound juvenile 'Trix, or risk incurring the wrath, but it's usually only when they started it.

Dude, "you started it and so I am not responsible for my response" is peak juvenile.

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I think the article could have been written without the 2016 headline.

We are also in month 36 of 2019. We are in the worst fucking timeline.

And wonkette has given me much comfort in that timeline.

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That everyone the author can imagine except Harris in this cartoon is white is illustrative.

And even Harris looks more like Collins than like Harris.

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Nader repeatedly called abortion, contraception, and gay rights "gonadal politics".

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" (or that he dressed like a slob at a campaign event)"

That is about white male privilege. No black man nor any woman could be careless in their self presentation. For a white guy to use this technique to signal authenticity means that he is leveraging identity politics. That is the substantive criticism there, and is worth discussing.

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The entrenched leaders of the Democratic party--certainly including Hillary Clinton

You are so full of shit. She wrote many of them, and was an early champion where Bernie was being useless:- gun control- Federal investment in daycare- wrote the bill that gave healthcare to children after her universal health care model (which became Obamacare and Romenycare) was killed-cramdownand so many other things.

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Clinton has been a feminist anti-racist progressive champion her entire life.

While Bernie was being elected with strong NRA support.

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unpredictability of the Sinema betrayalShe was a fucking Green, then never supported Hillary.

She started her political life supporting Nader and never apologized.

It was extremely predictable, ffs.

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SinemaNo one who supported Nader by actively working for his campaign and is still proud of it should never be welcome in any Dem primary.

None of those three candidates did that.

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Welp, you were wrong.

And you did not advocate for Greens after the 2000 debacle.

And you are not running for Senate, which is a wee bit more than a detail.

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