who's angry...i thought i told you to get the fuck outta here...watch the video, you piece of shit

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Yes, cue that Toby Keith song which I am about to listen to because I don't know it. Cue that old song "Legal Illegal" too."It's illegal to carve up your missus,Or put poison in your old man's tea,But to poison the rivers, the seas and the skies,Or poison the mind of a nation with lies,(If it's done in the spirit of free enterprise)Is completely and perfectly legal."

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and your fucking point is....what

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i'm pretty sure if you ask around long enough, you could find someone to help you pull that fucking stick outta your ass

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no, i'm saving them for fuckwads like you who are ruining this country with your hateful fucking giant-stick-up-your-ass racist bullshit, and parading it around under the guise of your fake concern for the rule of law and demented ideas of justice...fuck you, and fuck your fake fucking bullshit, no one here wants to read your moronic opinions on anything...we are sick of your kind, you are what is making this country un-fucking-livable, not some middle-age man trying to raise four daughters on a shit income or a college kid so afraid of your jack-booted thug asshole law-enforcers that she thinks she needs a gun...

now, go back to your breitbart or foxnews flunky comrades and tell 'em what a hateful prick MFP is over on the wonkettes, how we're all a bunch of close-minded lefties, and if ya want, i can provide my name and address and you can come and get ya some, cause i've about had it with you punk-ass mothafuckas, and i've got a flamethrower of votes i'm just itching to use on your punk asses...go fuck yourself and get the fuck off of this site

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fuck you, get the fuck outta here....but before you do, watch the video, you hateful punk-ass piece of shit...take your fake concern for law and justice and go fuck yourself with it

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dont ever let me catch you rolling a stop sign, you piece of shit

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Not all laws are good and effective laws. Immigration laws are broken right now and need to be updated.

Crying "you broke the law" does little other than hiding behind a canned response that ignores the real complexity of immigration today and does little to solve the problems people face in navigating a broken immigration system.

People want to come to America. People have always wanted to come to America.

The current system does not effectively meet or regulate the demand of people wanting to come here.

Second, America is a country of immigrants. Even the most American of Americans can trace their ancestry back to someone, who came from overseas. Therefore rejecting other people's desire to come here is hypocritical.

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Immigration laws are not working, they are broken. Hiding behind "but, it's illegal" ignores the complexities and realities of people trying to navigate their way through the immigration system.

Second, America is a country of immigrants. Most white people's ancestors came here, when the U.S. had very lax immigration laws for people coming from Europe. I find it hypocritical for people, who benefited from very minimal to no restrictions on immigration to decide to make it harder for new generations to do what their ancestors did and immigrate to America.

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We all benefit from selective enforcement of certain laws. Even the most upstanding of people sometimes breaks a law because they figure the harm is minimal and the chances of being caught are small, whether it is traffic violations or littering or something else that is minor.

Why shouldn't immigrants benefit from selective enforcement as well?

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now there's irony, but...

you better believe it, brother...cause we're sick o you and your kind's shit

'lesson'...implies 'learned'...i doubt it, but we can always hope

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yes, i am a vigorous supporter of my right to say that you're a fake, a phony, a charlatan, and a fraud...you hide behind your fake concern of law and justice, defending broken and irrationally made laws, and meanwhile, you are a representation of all that is wrong in america today...all 'law', no justice--all punishment, no compassion...we're sick of it, and we're done with laying down while your kind steamrolls the rest of the country into being an intolerant, fascist state...we're done with it, and any defender of it--you, for instance...now run along, the only thing worse than a phony is a phony who cant take a hint

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1. The USA is the RICHEST COUNTRY ON THE PLANET. PERIOD. The 27 nation EU, with a combine population of 510 million people has a GDP of 16.5 trillion dollars. The USA all by itself has a GDP of 16.7 trillion dollars. If we appropriate and allocate resources effectively, we can both accommodate many more immigrants and solve problems of homelessness and poverty.

2. Past laws, circumstances, and conditions are a reference point to give context to modern complaints. There's nothing wrong in pointing out how lax laws, in the past, benefited people and they were able to pass these benefits onto their descendants.

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I have met no one, who is adamantly against illegal immigration, who actually supports legal immigration. For example, no one I have ever met says to increase the visa limits for H1B and H2B visas, so more people can work here legally, while opposing illegal immigration.

First round up illegal immigrants, then make it harder for people to legally come to the USA, until immigration dramatically drops is usually the end result of the laws favored by people adamantly opposed to illegal immigration.

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i know all i need to know about you thru your posts, not the worst of which is that you wont ever just shut the fuck up with your phony concern trolling...show me the same concern about the number of homicides committed by racist white nationalists between 2010 and 2014 (i'll bet it's at least 121) with no credible law enforcement standing between them and an arsenal to use against the innocent, and maybe you can lend some credibility to your phony bullshit khaaa-ryst go the fuck away

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"Daniela Vargas knew about the illegal firearm in the house."

Ha ha ha, so 2nd Amendment only applies to SOME people. :D

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