He says he hates wind, but he’s constantly spewing it out of all his orifices.

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Okee...wind turbines "cause cancer," so we must pump more delicious CO into the atmosphere?

For our health?

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Okee....

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"a meal of chopped steak at his Mar-a-Lago Club and resort in Florida"


It was a Salisbury Steak TV dinner, wasn't it?

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Yeah, I guess calling it "hamburger steak" didn't sound upscale enough for a Merde-a-Lardo meal.

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Ta, Dok. TFG hates wind because, like rain, it messes up his "hair." He also misses CFCs in hairspray. I find windmills beautiful. I cannot say the same for anything petrochemical.

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I believe may be the first out and proud whore that we've installed as presnit. The others hid it better.

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He has the boobs for it.

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"Windmills kill birds" is a particularly cynical canard coming from the crowd who would pay to watch someone drown the last ivory billed woodpecker with their bare hands in a vat of Roundup.

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"You don't care about that group; you just want to scapegoat that other group."

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Canard? I see what you did there. Just ducky!

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Heron you say that made my day.

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Okay, I got through the first graph and had to immediately run to comments.

Chopped steak? What the fuck is chopped steak. Is that like a hamberder without the bun?

Knowing Mar-a-Lago, it's $35.00, $42.50 with ketchup.

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Even more so - who the fuck (besides that no-class TFG) would serve CHOPPED STEAK (a.k.a. "hamburger steak") at a big money fundraiser for oil and gas execs?

Where will his next one be held? At a truck stop?

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A decent truck-stop restaurant (visited a goodly number of them with my father back in my yute, bc he was an independently-owned trucking concern; 4 -to 5 trucks at its height of busy-ness) ;and many more ( because looong highway treks) since). Most of the servers & cooks would have served His Pompousity a heaping helping of GTFOH. at seeing his proposed "cuisine".

He can't do anything right, not even order good, cheap food.

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The time he had some winning sportsball team to the WH and served them McDonald's?

Chef's kiss!

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And now that truck stops are serving Indian food, due to so many truckers being from South Asia, that would just confuse that worthless, Big Mac consuming fuckstick even more.

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Welp at least when a wind turbine breaks down due to exposure to salt water it doesn't spew millions of barrels of oil into the environment, unlike certain oil platforms we could name.

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"Trump’s bizarre claims about wind turbines causing cancer"

it is MUCH dumber than that. he said the SOUND of a windmill causes cancer. he is just so embarrassingly stupid.

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Could happen. After all, the sound of Trump causes MAGAts.

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The word "trump" has been a verb for some time, but I think it has acquired a fresher, more scatological, significance. "Oh, man, I just Trumped my pants!"

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I'm sorry: what is "chopped steak?" Is it a Florida thing

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"Golden Corral's new slogan" -- MST3K

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Stuff I could get at 'Ponderosa' when they existed.

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Hamberder without the bun. Ketchup extra.

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"Set her on her beams, Mr. Sulu!!"

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The George Costanza theory of lying:

"It's not a lie if you believe it."

The Donald Trump corollary to the Costanza theory:

"If you make it up on the spot, off the top of your head, you believe it, so it's not a lie."

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Up wind, me boys!

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"...over a meal of chopped steak..."

They were not eating hamburger, it was prime bull shit.

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"...over a meal of hamberder..."

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Ketchup's extra if you want it delivered to your plate. Otherwise, just grab your "steak" and rub it along the wall.

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You know what crazy liberal hellhole state really likes wind power?


Turns out the Texas Panhandle has lots of wind in the middle of summer days. Convenient!

(But, like the song says, "Almost/All/The time.)

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Drove out west a few years back. West of Oklahoma City, the wind farms go on for parsecs.

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/\TRUTH /\

Amazing numbers of them between Phoenix AZ and Long Beach, CA 3 or so years ago as well. At one point we stopped so Mom could take pictures. :)

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"Trump told executives that they should contribute to his campaign....and he’d do much of what they wanted “on Day 1,” he said."

Everything is for sale w/him and guess what. He'll just take their money and leave them twisting in the wind.

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I wish that were true, but he really does hate wind.

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But all he provides is wind, and bad-smelling foul wind at that.

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but that's Trump Toots™️, those are acceptable because reasons.

wind in the atmosphere? being used to PRODUCE? for FREE? goes against everything he stands for

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He’s giving away methane for free? SOSHULISM!

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