O/T, and a genuine request for guidance: I've found the use of this term puzzling since I started hanging out here. In real life, I stopped using it once girls started talking to me, only to start again with those who went beyond talking and were really into DH Lawrence. As a term of abuse, I decided to stick with "berk". I know a foolish consistency is gobbling the knobs of little miners, but sometimes I think the line between acceptable and the killfile is going to Birmingham by way of Beachy Head.

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Or what?

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Whew! That was the longest fifteen minutes <i>evar.</i>

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Riley, did you decide it was safe to return, now that there is a new intern?

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Elmer Fudd after lunching with Wile E. Coyote: "his wemarks were w-wonderful".

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this is quite genius.

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Well it does have some new feature where I can post my favorite website.

Also, McCain, The Egg, and Commander Hairhelmet reminisced Clint Eastwood's performance by talking to a chair.

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I was going to ask that very question.

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"Assume lunch loved. Continued to farm."

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There's something appealing about her, you have to admit. Maybe it's the beer distributor fortune and the nine houses, one of which is in Coronado, not that far from Mitt's McMansion-in-waiting in La Jolla.

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I'm sure John was given Commander Hair Helmet guidance on how to win the Senate election in MA given Mitt has a house there. Or is it Utah? No wait, it's California. No wait, Johnny will bring the Straight Talk Express to Boston to convince voters that Barney Frank is a gay, progressive while Mitt will bring guns, jobs, and bring jobs back to America.

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"Great lunch with Mitt & Ann Romney today - their remarks were wonderful"

Mitt: I may have lost John, but you'll always be the first to lose to a Black man.

Ann: Do you think you could ask Cindy if she would help the boys get a Budweiser distributorship?

Mitt: I said that thing you wanted me to say about Benghazi, John, but it didn't work the way you said.

Ann: Eight years! Will they ever get the funk out of the White House?

Mitt: I admit it, when he said, "Proceed Governor Romney," I thought he said "secede" and I could not pass up a chance to swing some undecided southern voters.

Ann: I am going to the ladies' room for a Marlboro and a double JD.

Mitt: Bitch has me putting a horse elevator in the main stable. Cheese it, here she comes.

Ann: We have to be off for our flight to Malibu. Say hello to Colonel Closet Case from South Carolina!

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<i>We are sure they all talked about how smart and nice Barack Obama is, and how much they like his wife</i>

More like snarking about how the Bamz want to force everyone to stir ground flaxseed into their Jello and also they're going force you to give your flat screen TV to hobos.

Because, you know, teh Socializms...

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Bloody Marys?

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