I made exactly that mistake in a Japanese restaurant. (Never make that mistake in a Japanese restaurant.) When my tentacles arrived, the rest of the table burst out in horrified laughter.

At the time, I had no idea that octopus was even edible, and suddenly I'm staring at two good-sized (1-inch diameter) arms on my plate, hoping that somehow they were not what they so obviously were.

Could have been worse- at least they didn't move when I put the soy sauce on them:https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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A large branch from the oak in front of out house fell. It took out the electricity for the entire block. Thankfully, electricity wasn't restored until the "debate" was over. I took it as a sign from God, and toasted him appropriately with a double Martini.

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Josh Earnest: Mr. President, the Republican presidential debate is on tonight. Should I put the timer on the Oval Office television?Pres. Obama: I regret (not) that I have no more brain cells to lose for my country. You are hereby instructed to watch.Josh Earnest: Please, no, please. I'll do anything but that. I'll take the dogs for walks for the next week.Pres. Obama: No whining in the White House, Josh. You know the rules.

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"Here's to swimming with bow legged women!"


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Its the whole idea behind French cooking too.

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I didn't watch the debate either, but I had important stuff to do. Man, my nuts are polished to a high shine. They never looked so good.

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I have the weirdest boner right now

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Didn't Eric Clapton write that song and then change the lyrics after the tragic death of his son?

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Jesus helped him with his exams. No, really. http://wonkette.com/584966/...

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What would President Barry Bamz use for a screen name?

It would be all kinds of awesome really,

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Yeah, this. Plusalsotoo, there's an old saying in the theater that goes (approximately) "If a gun is shown in the first act someone's getting shot in the third act." Trump just brandished a pistol in answer to Fox's first question. Now, they've got to be shitting their pants because they know if the Repugs don't nominate him he'll go renegade on their ass, and the mouth-breathing knuckle-dragging baggers and reactionaries will vote for him, thus splitting the party and destroying any hope of taking the white house. And if they do nominate him, Hillz crushes him in the general. This is really win-win for us, methinks.

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Yoo hoo! *Waves*

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Oh man, that is the kind of thing that the Wonkette needs to run a contest to decide. I'm not feeling at my most creative (two glasses of wine into the day--it's the weekend!) but a few that pop into mind immediately:

- I *AM* the boss of you- The Real Uncle Sugar- Sexexutive in Chief- Sekret Muslin Dictator- B Barry Bongz

I dunno, I think he'd be more clever than any of those.

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Well, you've helped me to figure out whether or not Carson's an idiot savant or a masterful troll. After reading that article I now know that he is one HELL of a masterful troll. My God, he is good. He probably watched Palin do the long con with the hayseeds and realized there was more money in milking the rubes than there was in surgery, and he just went for it. God bless you Ben Carson, you magnificent troll bastard.

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Choom daddy?

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