This reminds me that when Comey was fired the Nixon Library Twitter account pointed out that even Nixon never fired the FBI director. Which was AMAZING BULLSHIT because Nixon's FBI director, L Patrick gray, was in on the cover up! He even burned documents for Nixon in his fireplace. Was convicted of a crime. I'm pretty sure it was obstruction of justice. But for some reason that I can't quite remember didn't go to prison. Maybe to do with ill health. This is all on Wikipedia. So Nixon, or a Nixon based entity, the Nixon Library is still engaged in fuckery! Even during Watergate 2!

Also this article was great. It explains it much more clearly than tthat Foreign Policy one. Which has some kind of bizarre super boringness writing effect that makes it incomprehensible. Or I was half asleep when I read it.

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Well, so much for voting for Trump because he "tells it like it is."

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Reminder: It's okay to blame things on Omarosa now

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We used to get out early on Christmas Eve in my office until The Voters, in all their wisdom, elected a Republican to the position. His attitude was that the taxpayers weren't paying us not to work, so, everyone not scheduled off on December 24 stayed until the regular closing time. When we left, the only other people in the building were security. The janitorial staff came through early to empty the waste baskets because they were going home early as well.

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... so little time.

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What if he's peeing on a mattress? Or having others do it for him?

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my sons got the "tell your parents you love them" talk from their choir director whose father passed away recently. I picked them up at school along with a couple of their classmates who needed a ride home and one of my sons told me he loved me and I commented "thank you! Now I can die a happy woman!" to which he and his friends requested I wait at least till they got home before snuffing it (I might have made that last part up.).

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Try and stay objective and dispassionate, Ok, the second one might be a stretch.

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He didn't, Hope noticed it while flossing for orangutan curly-fries.

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"I prefer contractors who don't get digested".

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No, no, no, the guy on Sea Hunt moved on Harriet like a bitch.

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Aw man...a Gregorian Chant woulda made it almost cool.

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The Tic Tac reference made me think of the UFO news this week. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

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