I’d also add that the on-air retractions have to be personally announced by Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham, and the “Fox & Friends” host of Defendant’s choice, during each of their respective programs, with said retraction to be delivered daily, for at least a week.
FYI, Wonkette itself posted the links to the (popular site name redacted) for Moss & Freeman in last night’s OT post “Donald Trump Destroys People’s Lives.” The links are in the 3rd-to-last paragraph.
I still don't understand how one could have been married to Mick Jagger, FFS - back when he was hot, too! - dated Bryan Ferry (who still ain't bad for an old guy) and then gone for that. I mean, it had to be the buckadingdongs, but I still don't get it.
Thank you! I'm missed that - I'm headed there right now. I know why my post didn't go up. The important thing is that Wonkette can represent right through here!
Snark aside, I think that "Thou shalt not lie" includes lying to oneself. So people who believe a lie when they are smart enough to know better (which is most of them, come on, they are not really that stupid) are going to hell when they die. OK, catholic mode off, snark mode back on (default).
You’re welcome! I almost missed the links in the post when I read it, so I felt the need to post detailed instructions. 😁 Wonkers love Ms. Shaye and Lady Ruby!
Whata buncha scumbags
They should have let Judge Boxwine steer the plane!
//insert GIF of burning plane here
I'd rather never hear a word out of their mouths again.
That was a nice bit of judicial snark right there.
IAAL, and I like the way you think!
I’d also add that the on-air retractions have to be personally announced by Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham, and the “Fox & Friends” host of Defendant’s choice, during each of their respective programs, with said retraction to be delivered daily, for at least a week.
FYI, Wonkette itself posted the links to the (popular site name redacted) for Moss & Freeman in last night’s OT post “Donald Trump Destroys People’s Lives.” The links are in the 3rd-to-last paragraph.
I still don't understand how one could have been married to Mick Jagger, FFS - back when he was hot, too! - dated Bryan Ferry (who still ain't bad for an old guy) and then gone for that. I mean, it had to be the buckadingdongs, but I still don't get it.
Can't we have both?
Thank you! I'm missed that - I'm headed there right now. I know why my post didn't go up. The important thing is that Wonkette can represent right through here!
Snark aside, I think that "Thou shalt not lie" includes lying to oneself. So people who believe a lie when they are smart enough to know better (which is most of them, come on, they are not really that stupid) are going to hell when they die. OK, catholic mode off, snark mode back on (default).
Be nice. I know he doesn't deserve being nice, but be nice anyway.
That's bullshit. (I wish)
You’re welcome! I almost missed the links in the post when I read it, so I felt the need to post detailed instructions. 😁 Wonkers love Ms. Shaye and Lady Ruby!
I saw one person sent $50,000 to one Fund and $80,000 to the other. Wow! Just WoW!
Wait, what?!
I think you just (somewhat) restored my faith in humanity with this news. Thank you!
I read "$1.965 bil" as $1,965 bil." I don't think two trillion is all that unreasonable.