*bzzt* sorry, Chichester's pronounced chichester (or sometimes chiddester)

Cirencester's pronounced 'sister'. Even when I lived not that far from it, for years, that always seemed a stretch to me. Now, Bicester as 'bister' actually made some sences...

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Ooh you are awful, <a href="http:\/\/www.bbc.co.uk\/programmes\/p008tv30" target="_blank">but</a> I like you.

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My typing, however, doesn't make any sense.

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Can it be that they were all so supple then? Or has time rewritten each incline?

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We're gonna boogle oogle oogle 'til we just can't oogle no more...

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This gets my vote.

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But strangely stupid.

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There is no "Breast Awareness Week". Either do, or don't do.

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Well, seriously, somebody could probably make a decent income from a two-or-three issue magazine focusing on Kate Upton's boobs.

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Or maybe they were just being assholes.

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They had me at <blockquote>Keywords: criminalization, breasts, nipples, topless, topfree, lewd, modest, decency, indecency, transperson, gender equality, torso, chest</blockquote>

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Just look at the hair. It's sapping all of her independence.

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About fifteen or twenty seconds into it she realizes what is on the screen - her voice hesitates while she tries to keep on going.

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I took one for the team also too.

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Episode IV: A New Pope

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Just like Old England. Guess how many syllables there are in the local pronunciation of "Cirencester"?

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