"Rightwing smear artists love crazy theories about how Chelsea was conceived."Because there can't be any non-crazy explanation? I'm going to go with "30 minutes after this photo was taken."

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Dear Edith: Wake up and smell the coffee. So you had a one time fling. But she's clearly moved on to better things. File it under "M" for memorable and get on with your life, sister. Or mister. Or whatever.

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"Mom, can I borrow the flying saucer?""Not until you've cleaned your habitat.""But, MOM . . ."

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Exactly! That's why I made sure my cap's made of rayon!

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Yeah, I'm also getting a Manchurian Candidate vibe myself.

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Rumor had it that back in the 70's, the Democrats hired a bunch of pregnant women to march in front of the White House holding signs that said "NIXON'S THE ONE".

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The happy, feel-good, love-thy-neighbor stuff is the genuine deal (for a given value of 'genuine.') The hellfire and brimstone is a quite recent invention as Christianity goes, and the variety peddled to Americans isn't as old as the Bill of Rights.

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Can I have mine with bacon?

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We're gonna hafta deploy the zebra mussels again. They're why Lake Erie isn't toxic sludge from one end to the other, like it used to be.

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I just like that "love thy neighbor" pretty much applies regardless of religious belief or lack thereof. I don't believe in magic or miracles, but I definitely believe in helping people and being kind. Much easier to find common ground with other people that believe in helping and kindness than the ones that are fixated on punishment.

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Wait! Chelsea is 1/2 alien?

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I see what you did there

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Her's is longer. You know, from the fingers.

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Well, they wouldn't print it if weren't true!

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Hasn't anyone told her about Toviaz.

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