And to think, once upon a time Fox were outraged -- <em>outraged I tell you</em> -- that Markos titled his book "American Taliban".

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<i>internalize and project their justifiable feelings of pride in our democracy as superior</i>

Isn't this the object of every Junior High Civics class EVER?

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Were the Native Americans an "oppressive regime"?

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"Pasty talking penis" wins the internets.

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Or the idea that a television network would air it?

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What kind of fuckin' loser steals ISIS manifestos and changes all the "Caliphate's" to "America's"

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This one summer at Mein Campf...

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I'd say he needs an enema, but there would be nothing left.

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Bald Man's Burden.

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Keith Albow, Fox expert fantasist and Christian lunatic.

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<em>We would not only allow, but teach, Americans — including American children — to internalize and project their justifiable feelings of pride in our democracy as superior to all other forms of government…And we would embrace the certain knowledge that history will eventually spread our values all over the globe.</em>

And we could call those places of teachin' "Mein Kampf"!

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the parallels are frightening

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creeping Yankee law

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Keith, you sack of shit, don't you realize our corporate masters are perfectly happy to let people think they have whatever kind of government they want, as long as it doesn't interfere with profits?

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<i>a God-given right to intervene</i>

You know who else thinks they have a God-given right to intervene?

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so has Fox News scheduled our Kristallnacht or Röhm-Putsch yet?

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