Unbelievable that megaphone mouth Musk is so totally ignorant. Must have forgotten how to read up on a subject before he spouts lies on his personal fire hose of an alternate fact distribution site, X, aka Shxtter. Apparently his top of the line American education didn’t manage to penetrate his very thick skull.

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If I wrote a book about how conservatives consume misinformation in the age of MAGA, it would be called, “If You Knew The Truth, Would You Care?” For them, the line between facts and the fabulous has all but vanished. They want to be angered, and are not soothed when lies are dispelled. In fact, I’ve tried to gently share the truth about popular anti-liberal myths to the few people I know who aren’t liberal, and they seem disappointed when a damning story about Biden or liberals proves to be false. Disappointed is the only way I can describe it. Not relieved, not surprised, just bummed. Because being angry at people they do not like is stimulating.

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How on the flat earth did Musk have any success at anything. How can you be so ignorant. Or does he truly believe that if someone posted a thing, it must be true? My sweet, naive 76-year-old mom falls for misinformation less.

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The power of failing up with money.

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Wingnut Dictionary

Secret: something uninteresting to wingnuts until it’s bathed in misinformation sufficient to anger them or become useful to harm liberals.

The program wasn’t a secret, they just know maga aren’t interested in reading or facts, and have no use for any information that isn’t marinaded in lies and propaganda sufficient to raise their blood pressure. That’s it. By the time they are corrected and explained the truth, they have moved on to the next lie, or are too loudly going “la la la la la” with their fingers inserted in their ears to hear anything else.

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Maybe they should start a program where if you fly on a secret plane but pay $8 when you get to the US you are verified OK.

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“Rugg is lying.”

I’m floored by the humor on this site!

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But when it comes to no comments, all I can say is "Carpet diem."

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Odd that they would be importing Cubans, who prefer Republicans by roughly 58%/38%.

Not that I think that mainstream Democrats are particularly effective ratfuckers.


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Tone is not 0.001% as bright as he thinks he is. Or he’s 220% of the liar Trump is. Or both. Yeah, probably both, with a hefty dose of fascism thrown in.

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Mar 7·edited Mar 7

Dok I absolutely appreciate the detailed breakdown of why this is ridiculous bullshit. And I also absolutely know that no amount of “facts” and “laws” and “reality” will have any impact on the mouthbreathers who currently teem within Musk’s rectum.

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Why is this fucktard not deported back to SA as an undesirable? Does he have US citizenship?

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Also too those 9/11 terrorists did NOT come from "Latin America," where Joe Biden is treasoning all the fake voters from in Deep State double-dark secret.

They came from the land of Jared Kushner's BFF and benefactor. Trump's golfing buddies, too. Notice how those folks don't get targeted by Musk and his Musky Band?

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Musk and his Musky Band is the worst U.P. polka band ever.

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No amount of beer makes them sound good.

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Wow, it's a good thing that he's a genius, or he might say something REALLY stupid.

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“They are importing voters. This is why groups on the far left fight so hard to stop voter ID requirements, under the absurd guise of protecting the right to vote.”

so, like, when Reagan went a step further re undocumented immigrants, that was treason, also, in addition?

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Mar 7·edited Mar 7

How fast was that employee who posted a “this is bullshit” warning on Muskrat’s tweet fired?

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A little under .03 seconds, very thin skinned auto-ban+terminate algo.

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Musk micro-doses on ketamine?

Sure Jan.

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Micro in the sense of 'brewery'.

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Extra rant as one time supporter of voter ID, even the reactionary right dropped it years ago. The "problem" was that the idea made enough sense that people who weren't for it were suggesting what could be done, such as the federal government issuing IDs for free. The Trumpists definitely didn't want that.

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I've run into foreigners who can't understand why the US doesn't have voter ID cards, until I point out that there are 50 states, a federal district, various territories, all with different voter requirements. And... technically.... there isn't any "national election" (you don't vote for president, voting for the electors from your state). Unlike countries they're from (mostly smaller ones) where if you're a citizen, you're a voter, end of story.

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Many countries go one further, if you're a resident you're a voter. Almost as if you should be able to vote in the country you live in. It's bonkers I know.

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