Palmetto bugs for everyone!!!

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One of my good buddies is very Russian in thought, and very Tartar in looks. He basically looks like Genghis Khan, Asian features, very straight coarse hair, short stocky body, the whole bit. I thought it was strange, but then I realized he grew up a lot closer to Kazakhstan than to Moscow, and it makes more sense. (You forget how huge Russia is.)

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If Handel, who was German born and a naturalized Englishman, could write Italian opera, I guess this American-born descendant of mostly German immigrants can love Italian opera (actually, pretty well all opera) Shall we compare favorites? I fluctuate - right now I'm pretty big on "The Ghosts of Versailles" - but I also am planning not to miss "Francesca da Rimini" Thursday streamed free. I'm generally up for a world premier. I was fortunate enough to see Theodore Morrison's "Oscar" when it premiered and was blown away..

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No pants under there!

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Some like to say that people who enslaved people should still be celebrated if they did other stuff that was good, because "You can't hold people in those times to today's standards!"

Of course I don't. I hold them to the standards of famous Republicans, like Abraham Lincoln, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and Frederick Douglass, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton.

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Matthew 5:6:

Yet cursed are the Browns fans, for at best they will inherit the Cuyahoga valley.

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The etymology is unclear but Morris dancing may very well be "Moorish" dancing. If so then Square Dancing may have it's roots in Africa.

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The current $20 design could hit 5 Confederacies old before Tubman gets her face on the bill.

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It's so strange, I have such eclectic tastes in music and arts, opera leaves me flat. I only put up with high frequency wailing from Björk Guðmundsdóttir.

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Some years ago, a colleague from Texas had an office just down the street from mine. One day, I moseyed on over with a paper bag containing a can of R-uh-C and a Moon Pie, and dropped it off with her receptionist.

"Buzz your boss and tell her lunch is here."

"OK, sir, who should I say --"

But I was already out the door.

When I got back to my office, the phone was already ringing.

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Ok, they want to play the heritage and not hate card? Fine. Doesn’t change the fact that the stars and bars was used by men engaged in treason

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PBS had a 3 part series in the late 80s about the trials, "Three Sovereigns for Sarah" (Sarah Towne Cloyse, from whom we are descended). Her 2 sisters died in the trials, hanged for witchcraft. She received reparation some years later.

Sure enough, a local school was showing the video to middle school students - and a wingnut fundamentalist mother objected, saying the school had no right to introduce her child to the "dark side" of witchcraft.Absolutely no knowledge of the content, just saw the word witchcraft and lost her mind.

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After a lifetime of getting gaslit about Southern Heritage, I'm not ready to give it another chance. Maybe there's something good there - but all the gaslighting about the Confederacy and The Rebs and even the nonsense about the good slave owner - all in the service of a white supremacy that became resurgent in the 1920s - 60 years after the Civil War - has tarnished all claims about Southern Culture, Honor (and the horrors other "honor societies" perpetrate on their disenfranchised members.)

Maybe there is something good and redeemable about Southern Culture but that's going to be difficult to prove to me after all the lies. I'm willing to entertain the possibility - but life's too short now to spend the effort to explore it.

That's not to say that Northern Culture doesn't have it's flaws, including a form of White Supremacy. But the gaslighting of Southern Culture and the insidious spread of Southern White Supremacist symbols allowed White Supremacy to become deeper and more toxic in the North.

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Just avoid the Inland Empire, the Mother Lode, and the State of Jefferson. Red California exists.

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Boll weevils!

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I admit (composer) Thomas Ades is an acquired taste. But in his defense, when he writes that high, it is for legitimate character/plot reasons.

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