Would the minion bring back a glowing report?

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Toward the end of the War, the SS pretended to surrender and then shot the Allied troops attempting to take them prisoner.

They figured word would get out (which it did), the Allies would be scared to take any more prisoners (which they were), so the regular German soldiers would be scared to surrender and just keep on fighting (which some of them did).

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A Nip in the air?

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Gives new meaning to "Take a ride on the Redding."

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It wound up as B-roll when the focus group began projectile vomiting through their eye sockets.

The focus group, of course, were immediately boxed up and shipped to Michigan for toughening-up by He-Man Woman-Hunter Ted Nugent.

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Milo was a jerk, but he was also a genius. He was twenty-six years old.

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Newest, I rule!

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Benghazi was not attacked on D-Day. Typical distraction politics.

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Has anyone seen FDR's long-form birth certificate? Hennngh?

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And giving aiid and comfort to artists and Union craftsmen, those homoqueer fascist pinks.

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I read this with much glee. It is a most excellent mommy-blog think-piece.

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Well played Doc Zoom! Well played!

I just got a PBS catalog (yes, paper) and they are selling a "World War II" Monopoly game. No, it's not a version of RISK. Players can "celebrate" WWII by "owning events" such as D-Day, Pearl Harbor and the Battle of the Bulge.

Call me an Old Foogie but this is just wrong. Flat out WRONG.

"A family treat!" I don't think so.

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You want to hear wrong? THIS is wrong: “You can smash his teeth and shove them into the brain!” barks Robin Barker-James, jamming the gun’s butt into poor Mr. Armstrong’s face. He recoils in feigned pain. Then there is the neck slash (“Blood squirts 30 feet out your neck!”), the stomach slash (“Your intestines slop out!”) and the Australian butt stroke (“You drive your knee where you don’t want it driven!”). The teenagers then pick up their own guns — made of wood, string and rubber tubing — and begin eviscerating their assigned partners in a bloodbath of imagination. <a href="http://www.thestar.com/news..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2014/06/01/tillso...">http://www.thestar.com/news...

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"In Malmédy, as you know, U.S. forces captured SS forces who had their hands in the air and they were unarmed and they shot them down." - Bill O'Reilly

Oh - wait, that one he actually <a href="http:\/\/mediamatters.org\/video\/2006\/06\/05\/update-fox-news-corrected-transcript-of-oreilly\/135866" target="_blank">said</a>.

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Ronnie Fucking Raygun did such shitty planning for our little outing to Grenada that 4 Seals died from drowning. Ronnie wanted them to land by sea even after the Navy meteorologists advised it was bad idea.

Hannity need to go suck some rat dicks.

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Meanwhile, Bill O'Reilly would send his minion off to Los Alamos to find out what all the "secret" testing going on down there is about. The public has a right to know why the government is spending money on those egghead scientists, dammit!

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