The LORD also hates it when we do work on the sabbath, laundry, cooking, gathering sticks: all these offenses warrant the death penalty to be sure. But when is the sabbath, exactly? Saturday or Sunday? The Christians have kind of muddied that up a bit.
What about those apostates in math and physics and engineering who insist that &pi; is one of those so-called &quot;irrational&quot; numbers (or worse, a &quot;transcendental&quot; number)? Huh? What about them? In <a href="" target="_blank"> Kings </a> it is written: <i>23 And he made a molten sea, ten cubits from the one brim to the other: it was round all about, and his height was five cubits: and a line of thirty cubits did compass it round about.</i>
So &pi; is 3! Not some fancy-schmancy &quot;mathematical&quot; concoction.
SINNER!! You&#039;ll bring down God&#039;s wrath on ... South Dakota ..? Or somewhere. Locusts, probably. Maybe a landslide. Flooding, that&#039;s always a classic. AT ANY RATE, GOD WILL PUNISH <strike>YOU</strike> SOMEBODY, SOMEWHERE, AT SOME POINT
&quot;Faith&quot; is what they try to replace it with. I have to wonder if it actually does work? Relying entirely on Faith instead of Logic? Do those fundies ever have moments, of &quot;weakness&quot; would probably be how they characterize it, where they find themselves questioning their tenets? I would think it must happen pretty often, based on how their God did kind of a piss poor job with his Holy Words and Commandments and whatnot.
Ha, who am I kidding? Fundamentalists, despite all that prayin&#039;, seem a little weak on introspection.
Based on Leviticus 19:27&#039;s &quot;Ye Shall Not Round The Corners Of Your Heads,&quot; I nominate our very own Shypixel for Wonket Sainthood.
The hat&#039;s ok (though it looks like it&#039;s &#039;shopped), but that cardigan <i>is</i> an abomination. And apparently they don&#039;t have it in his size.
It was bigger on the inside - just like the ark.
The LORD also hates it when we do work on the sabbath, laundry, cooking, gathering sticks: all these offenses warrant the death penalty to be sure. But when is the sabbath, exactly? Saturday or Sunday? The Christians have kind of muddied that up a bit.
IMHO, no one has ever in the history of the world looked better with a tattoo.
What about those apostates in math and physics and engineering who insist that &pi; is one of those so-called &quot;irrational&quot; numbers (or worse, a &quot;transcendental&quot; number)? Huh? What about them? In <a href="" target="_blank"> Kings </a> it is written: <i>23 And he made a molten sea, ten cubits from the one brim to the other: it was round all about, and his height was five cubits: and a line of thirty cubits did compass it round about.</i>
So &pi; is 3! Not some fancy-schmancy &quot;mathematical&quot; concoction.
SINNER!! You&#039;ll bring down God&#039;s wrath on ... South Dakota ..? Or somewhere. Locusts, probably. Maybe a landslide. Flooding, that&#039;s always a classic. AT ANY RATE, GOD WILL PUNISH <strike>YOU</strike> SOMEBODY, SOMEWHERE, AT SOME POINT
I just spilt my seed on the ground laughing at this post. NO, NOT LIKE THAT! I knocked over my bag of corn nuts.
I&#039;m still going to be in trouble, aren&#039;t I, Lord?
That gives Paula Deen&#039;s &quot;Southern Dishes&quot; a whole new meaning.
&quot;If one tries to use logic&quot;
&quot;Faith&quot; is what they try to replace it with. I have to wonder if it actually does work? Relying entirely on Faith instead of Logic? Do those fundies ever have moments, of &quot;weakness&quot; would probably be how they characterize it, where they find themselves questioning their tenets? I would think it must happen pretty often, based on how their God did kind of a piss poor job with his Holy Words and Commandments and whatnot.
Ha, who am I kidding? Fundamentalists, despite all that prayin&#039;, seem a little weak on introspection.
Based on Leviticus 19:27&#039;s &quot;Ye Shall Not Round The Corners Of Your Heads,&quot; I nominate our very own Shypixel for Wonket Sainthood.
Oysters Bienville LIBELZ!
No, no, wait. Not LIBELZ. Wait a minute...
LUST! That&#039;s the word I was looking for.
Look, it&#039;s an engineering approximation, okay?
Maori libel !!!!
Dammit, where do people essay that?! So grating. Why not just punch Shakespeare in the sac?
The hat&#039;s ok (though it looks like it&#039;s &#039;shopped), but that cardigan <i>is</i> an abomination. And apparently they don&#039;t have it in his size.
Love the sinner, hate the clothes.
&ldquo;Bless me Father, I ate a lizard.&rdquo; â Walter M. Miller Jr., <i>A Canticle for Leibowitz </i>