yeah right, moron - its another grift - why does anyone bother reporting him as if he was a serious person with something to contribute? if it wasn't such a punishment, I'd say that he should only be written about by the writers of the vile snark mob, but i like y'all too much to do that to ya

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Um...I thought he loved the *poorly* educated... 🤨

"Trump also promised that the new institution would give students credit for previous study(...)"

Even if they studied wokeness and jihad? 🤔

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Waiting on David Brooks' thoughtful analysis

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At last, the perfect plan to drive politics out of higher education- just raze the whole system to the ground and set up in its place Xtian madrassas to instill devotion to the Emperor For Life, that paragon of education (and once head of his own eponymous "university") Donald I, praised be his name. In a one-party state, there are no politics, just factions within the One True Party.

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Sorry, but "teaching that...slavery was a sad time" will get your teaching ass fired in every red state now.

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Is he planning to take over Khan Academy? Because it sounds like someone described that to him and he's claiming it as his original idea.

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Since when does the GQP want an educated electorate?!

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Take note of that "industry partnerships" bit. If the American Academy turns out to be anything at all, it'll be a pipeline right into corporate indentured servitude.

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Why does he bother floating ludicrous, unworkable policy ideas? Nobody wants to hear the new album. Play “Build That Wall”!

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"Toilets You Have to Flush 8, 9, 10 Times!"

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Wasn't part of the judgement against Rump University that they were forbidden from ever "operating" a fake University again? Or was that just the ruling on the charity they stole funds from? Maybe I'm getting their old crimes confused, I'm doing a pretty good job of keeping track of the current prosecution efforts on the more recent crimes, thank you.

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He has no intention of ever doing any actual education reforms, this or anything else, but if he’s preznit again nobody can or will stop him from raiding every university endowment or whatever other fuckery he wants to do.

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Just pay for it with Penn’s endowment. Consider it a forfeiture for loosing the Trumps on the country.

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Prager U goes Bigtime.

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Nov 3, 2023·edited Nov 3, 2023

“the new institution would give students credit for previous study and that it would let people get the equivalent of a bachelor’s degree”

Except Arizona State. Because you need *some* standards

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LOL. A popular joke here in Tucson:

"Q: How do you get the ASU graduate off your porch?

A: Pay them for the pizza."

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At UArizona, I remember frequently seeing "pull for ASU diploma" written on toilet dispensers.

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Meanwhile, over at American Academy....... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHTQnBsDzhw

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American Academy will be available for free to all who successfully pass the Stochastic Aptitude Test.

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So; what's Prager U, chopped liver?

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It should be so lucky.

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