Ben gets paid ONE brain cell per letter.Since the people who regularly read his columns can barely figure out how to get out of bed in the morning, no one will really notice this.

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Dr. Chomsky, O'Blivion and MacLuhan in one Wonkette post! Unfortunately it was about Shapiro and not Jim Hoft, who is even dumber.

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Wouldn't it be fun if someone with Johnny Weir's fashion sense appeared in the golfing world? Polo shirts would come with rhinestones and feathers. Golf caps would be fur trimmed.

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of course you won’t be able to ever actually count your brain cells as they wither and pass while you read something by Ben Shapiro.

Shapiro uncertainty principal?

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Oh yes, for sure there is no such thing as a homosexxican sports dude in the manly man's world of sporting, so they whole thing must be fiction, right BennieBoy? Flawless wingnut logic, right there.

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Shapiro is like kryptonite to brain cells.

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Tests for future antipsychotic drugs will be conducted solely on Ben Shapiro. When he starts talking sense, you know you've got the corner on the market.

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