I'd bet on #1. It's consistent and will probably allow them to get away with yet another terrible thing and continue to ruin the country. So par for the course.

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I'm going with a combo of 2 & 3. I'm not sure how much he knows or doesn't know. He is a self serving traitor so I think it's all about him saving himself; trying to get on the bus rather than under it.

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All of them, $5F.

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The Watergate hearings ran for 7 months. I think that's what is important, the shaking out of the dirty sheets so Americans see what shit The Dotard has been pulling. Even more Republicans may retire rather than be defeated for supporting Trump.

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A minority of Americans wanted Nixon to be impeached before the hearings started. Even if you don't remember, you are on a computer. Don't you know how to Google?

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At least 3 Republican senators are retiring.

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Oh please, remember when Obama threatened the leader of Pakistan with sanctions and horrible consequences if Pakistan didn't give up OBL?

Me neither.

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People love to act as though he's some kind of mad Bond villain genius, but Mitch is not that bright.

He's gotten away with everything he's gotten away with for more than 30 years because he's a suck.

He's grown quite rich in the process---he started out with a personal net worth in the low six figures, about the value of a nice suburban house, and worked his way up to more than $28 million: not bad for government work--- but not because he's smart.

He's gotten away with it because he has no moral core: he's so empty that he's useful. He knows how to latch on to rich men and then do and say anything he's told to do and say.

There's an article somewhere that describes Mitch fretting to his mother, back when he ran for office for the first time in high school, that it was going to be difficult to get anyone to vote for him, because he had no friends.

His mother apparently persuaded him that all he had to do was figure out who the most popular kids were, and then suck up to them, and they'd tell people to vote for him. It worked (always listen to your mother, kids): he won the election, and the rest is history.

He has spent three decades sucking up to rich old men, passing the legislation they tell him to pass, passing out bribes to other legislators as necessary, per instruction, and repeating whatever words Frank Luntz tells him to repeat: in the process gaining enough access to make it worthwhile to Elaine Chao to marry the little son of a bitch.

Now that there's real trouble, the people who own him are flapping around in the dark trying to figure out what their next move is, and as long as they don't know what the fuck to do, he doesn't know what the fuck to do either. When they figure it out, they'll tell Mitch. And he'll do it.

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Wtf? Fox says the white house released "unredacted" text...umm its filled with ellipses indicating redacted information!!!!

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Москва Митч Макконнелл

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Fourth option: Moscovite Mitchy sees this as a perfect opportunity to get rid of Orange Hitler and replace him with "a real (hypoChristian)" Mike Pencilneck, who can maybe win 2020 with enough Russian computer hacking and Democratic-voter blocking and get the remainder of the courts stacked with religious bigots who will help destroy the country so Mitchy can retire in China and have a bunch of servants who will regularly change the water in his turtle bowl and feed him on a daily basis.

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Sam Bee ran clips of Lindsey calling for impeachment back in 1999 as the only possible means to restore honor to the office.

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I just wrote a minute ago that a drawn out hearing process benefits everyone pro-impeachment, but at this minute, we might not need or get such a process. And yeah, everyday there is some Repub who decides that Right Now is a good time to ride off into the sunset.

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because that's what Trump called it. And true, it is not a verbatim word for word representation. But what they released is worse than any actual recording could've contained.

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Door #4: he doesn't give one ounce of shit as long as his personal gravy train keeps rolling. Republic be damned.

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