Oooo, dinosaur diner for the win!!

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T is for Tuesday

And Tuesday's for tea

But it's never too early

For a nice Martini.

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I love it!

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You are always appreciated.

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Jan 16, 2024
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One of America's greatest wits.

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Simple and happy... just like me.

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‘Monday’ is purrfect - hugnnhh -

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Abbott's behavior on the Texas border looks like plain and simple insurrection to me. Keeping the Border Patrol from doing their job is unacceptable and must not stand.

I wonder how much cheaper it would be to build small, drop-in housing for the indigent. A 12' x30' (360sq. ft.) is tiny but not unbearable for single occupancy. A 10' x12' bedroom in the back, a small bath between the bedroom and 12' x12' living room with kitchenette. Five apartments in a row would be 60'x30' small enough to fix on a standard size lot. And if you built 2 or three stories high that would be 10 or 15 apartments in the space of one bigfoot mansion.

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Rushdie references a 60-course-minimum meal in "Shalamar the Clown"...

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Too bad Trump isn't POTUS and more and in love with Bibi. Pretty sure Biden would consider all of this reasonable, too.

https://twitter.com/academic_la/status/1747340710440022494 ---

Benny Gantz, a member of the cabinet, has issued a list of demands to Netanyahu. He says several crucial issues have not been decided by the Prime Minister and must be addressed immediately:

* Will the operation extend to Philadelphi route and Rafah?

* Steps to prevent arms from coming into Gaza through the Philadelphi route.

* An examination of the war goals and Israel's ability to fulfill them.

· How will humanitarian aid be delivered in areas the IDF controls and areas it leaves?

· Who will take over from Hamas in the civil administration of Gaza?

· Serious staff work on the return of residents to the north and south warzones.

· A plan for their return with the consultation of the residents themselves.

· A deadline for diplomatic efforts in the north.

Some of these issues have not been discussed at all in the cabinet. Others have been discussed superficially. In all cases, no decisions have been made.

There is no doubt that indecision, for psychological and political reasons, has been the bane of the Israeli war effort. Gantz is absolutely correct. All these decisions should have been made long ago

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There were massive demonstrations for new elections before Oct 7th, then people were staggering around in shock and trauma.

Now there are again massive demonstrations.

Netanyahu lost in his attempt to cluster-fuck the courts, but otherwise he is truly Israel's Trump.

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Remember when we all used to agree that letting women and children drown was bad?

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Lots of non-comments these days are describing Republicans as being terrible people, hateful people, bad people.

I just received a call asking if I could repair a little old lady's television, because she's sitting alone in an old farmhouse and that TV is her only companion. Instead of saying, "Screw her, she's a Republican!" I said, "Sure, tell her I'll be there in an hour or so." Because humanity is more important than politics.

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I would argue they are inseparable.

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Maybe just make it stick on MSNBC :-)

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I went to a multi course, multi hour wedding reception, and the time just flew by because I had a lot of friends there, but it was far short of 50 courses and the food was all normal and amazing.

The one in the article sounds insufferably smug.

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Welp, school district closed for extreme cold (currently a balmy four degrees F with wind chill) so I’m on day off number four. Got the house to myself so MST and decluttering is the plan for today, just like yesterday. Maybe after a second cup of coffee.

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"The IRS has collected half a billion dollars from millionaire tax cheats since it got new funding."

Apparently, the IRS only spent 0.8% of that new funding to get this result ( after only about 3 months of actual efforts to collect these unpaid taxes )

Kevin Drum: https://jabberwocking.com/republicans-are-furious-that-the-irs-is-already-collecting-more-money-from-rich-tax-cheats/

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Strobe lights, butterflies, and pig's blood ice cream? Sign me up! Just not for a meal there.

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Day 3 of trying to log in to my Chase bank account, which administers my credit card. I get through the username and password, and then comes "It looks like you're using a new device, or you changed its settings. Before you sign in, we need to confirm it's you." even though it is the very same PC that I have ALWAYS used with them. So, they offer to text me a verification #, and then the days roll by. Once I got through on the phone to an actual human, who asked what browser I was using, and that they've been getting a lot of complaints from Chrome users. So. fine, tried it with Firefox and it worked. This time, nothing works- I even went to Bing and Wave, no soap. The whole problem is that Chase is REALLY slow about crediting my deposits and really quick about cutting off my credit.

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Get an Apple...

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Every time I restart my laptop (as opposed to just putting it in sleep mode), I have to go through a round of these confirmations.

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What a bore that stuff can be.

Lately, every time I leave my PC for a few hours to go make dinner, some perverse spirit likes to reboot the damn thing.

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Obviously, your PC wants to go to the kitchen with you and learn how to cook.

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“What It’s Like To Eat A 50-Course, 6-Hour Tasting Menu!”

I wouldn’t know because my extra spending money is going to Wonkette as a dutiful subscriber.

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I wrote this four years ago, after the Democrats made a mess of the Iowa caucuses. It still applies in a broad sense today.

So, it seems America had the rest of the world over for a little get-together last Saturday.

America: Here's the Electoral College! This is how we select our national leader!

Rest of the World: Uuuuhhhh...

America: Wanna see how we select the candidates for the office?

RotW: Hey, did you see the sportsball game last night?

America: Here's our primaries!

RotW: Was that my phone? It sounded like my phone.

America: They're not held simultaneously, but in an order determined by tradition and local politics! Two small states go first and eliminate many of the candidates! Some of our most populous states go near the end of the process, often after the nominee has been effectively selected!

RotW: (fidgets uncomfortably, looks at phone not very surreptitiously) Wow, it's getting late...

America: Here's the system used in the very first vote! Remember, the population is less than some of our cities!

RotW: (stands up, puts on coat, heads towards door) Yeah, see, we've got an important election of our own tomorrow...

America: On Sunday? Why don't you do important national decisions on Tuesdays like we do? Sure, it makes things difficult in today's world, but it made perfect sense two hundred years ago!

RotW: (leaving, with urgency) I... I... I just got a text from my babysitter. The baby's throwing up. And the dog...

America: Funny, I didn't hear a text message tone.

RotW: It. Is. On. Vibrate.

America: It's been great to see you! Again at the Olympics this year?

RotW: Sure, sounds great... (stage whisper) Who died and left them leader of the free world?

America: (cheerily) The British Empire!

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Caucuses are a non-democratic mess

I am glad we are rid of them.

They were built for rat-fucking.

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Honestly, I think the entire modern primary system, which has only really existed since 1972, is a ridiculous mess and we should go back to the party leadership picking the nominees in smoke-filled rooms. (Well, except people shouldn’t smoke.)

Yeah, I know, it’s somewhat anti-democratic and prone to corruption, but is it really that bad to let the people who really know the potential candidates decide who’ll be the party’s standard-bearer?

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First step was reducing ice cream consumption from daily to weekends. Paying attention to difficulty swallowing, especially when overeating was helpful. More recently, eliminated most sweets and carbs, aiming to get A1C levels low enough for knee replacement surgery.

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We're proud of you!

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The whole not wearing pants thing is easier when none fit.

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