No you don't. You are imagining me..... I'm a hallucination.

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"What Kind Of Free Speech Platform Won’t Let You Tell People To Blow Up Buildings Full Of Jews?

The same kind that wouldn't let you tell your people to murder a judge and/or random Jews (Libertarian Glenn Greenwald disagrees, we wonder why and here are some clues):

NOTE: Andrew "Weev" Aureheimer came up in the Russia investigation: https://www.splcenter.org/h...

"Glenn Greenwald Unethically Taped Witnesses While Working for Matt Hale, White Supremacist (links to news articles from the those days): https://www.democraticunder...

Greenwald then went on to refer to the victims of murderous white supremacists as "odious" and lost his case (he continues to make the same losing "free speech" argument as he continues to promote white supremacists to the left):

Vimeo: "Glenn Greenwald speaks out in defense of Andrew ‘weev’ Auernheimer, Anonymous and The Paypal 14"https://vimeo.com/107978679.

"iPad Hacker Released From Jail, Parties with Glenn Greenwald, Publishes Neo-Nazi Screeds"https://thedailybanter.com/...

Glenn Greenwald's defense of white supremacist Tom Tancredo (2005): http://glenngreenwald.blogs...

Greenwald's Koch-funded "Liberty Tour" in the company of Ron Paul and other far right neo-Conservative (video): http://littlegreenfootballs...

Greenald knows well enough that Ron Paul and son are neo-Confederates (yet has promoted them as "anti-war" candidates to the left since 2007): http://dneiwert.blogspot.co...

https://uploads.disquscdn.c... https://uploads.disquscdn.c... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

"Bernie Bro" Glenn Greenwald is NOT on the left (nor are Ron/Rand Paul - Koch-funded Capital L Libertarians - "anti-war.". I've posted this about a hundred times over the years in these comment sections. Do you all suppose you night care to pay attention yet?

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They know. They continue to ignore Greenwald's ratfucking because they think it helps Bernie somehow: https://www.socialistaltern... >>> http://threewayfight.blogsp...

I beg to differ and have been warning them for years now, so pardon me if I repeat this once more:

"What Kind Of Free Speech Platform Won’t Let You Tell People To Blow Up Buildings Full Of Jews?"

The same kind that wouldn't let you tell your people to murder a judge and/or random Jews (Libertarian Glenn Greenwald disagrees, we wonder why and here are some clues):

NOTE: Andrew "Weev" Aureheimer came up in the Russia investigation: https://www.splcenter.org/h...

"Glenn Greenwald Unethically Taped Witnesses While Working for Matt Hale, White Supremacist (links to news articles from the those days): https://www.democraticunder...

Greenwald then went on to refer to the victims of murderous white supremacists as "odious" and lost his case (he continues to make the same losing "free speech" argument as he continues to promote white supremacists to the left):

Vimeo: "Glenn Greenwald speaks out in defense of Andrew ‘weev’ Auernheimer, Anonymous and The Paypal 14"https://vimeo.com/107978679.

"iPad Hacker Released From Jail, Parties with Glenn Greenwald, Publishes Neo-Nazi Screeds"https://thedailybanter.com/...

Glenn Greenwald's defense of white supremacist Tom Tancredo (2005): http://glenngreenwald.blogs...

Greenwald's Koch-funded "Liberty Tour" in the company of Ron Paul and other far right neo-Conservative (video): http://littlegreenfootballs...

Greenald knows well enough that Ron Paul and son are neo-Confederates (yet has promoted them as "anti-war" candidates to the left since 2007): http://dneiwert.blogspot.co...

https://uploads.disquscdn.c... https://uploads.disquscdn.c... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

"Bernie Bro" Glenn Greenwald is NOT on the left (nor are Ron/Rand Paul - Koch-funded Capital L Libertarians - "anti-war.". I've posted this about a hundred times over the years in these comment sections. Do you all suppose you night care to pay attention yet?

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Yes, we remember, and Libertarian Glenn Greenwald is NOT on the left. He's a RW Libertarian Ron Paul bootlick: http://www.yaliberty.org/po... >>> http://dneiwert.blogspot.co... >>> http://glenngreenwald.blogs...

Greenwald's pro Ron "White Power" Paul screeds at Salon:

Progressives and the Ron Paul fallacies - Salon.comwww.salon.com/2011/12/31/pr...Glenn Greenwald12.31.2011•9:15 PM EST•1840 Comments ... The Ron Paul candidacy, for so many reasons, spawns pervasive political confusion -- both ...Ron Paul distortions and smears - Salon.comwww.salon.com/2007/11/12/pa...Nov 12, 2007 - I'm not trying to be Ron Paul's advocate but, still, outright distortions and smears are .... Follow Glenn Greenwald on Twitter: @ggreenwald.The Ron Paul phenomenon - Salon.comwww.salon.com/2007/11/06/pa...Nov 6, 2007 - Glenn Greenwald Follow Skip to Comments ... is the extraordinary, record-breaking outpouring of support for Ron Paul's presidential campaign.Who are the real “crazies” in our political culture? - Salon.comwww.salon.com/2010/05/28/cr... 28, 2010 - Last night, the crazy, hateful, fringe lunatic Ron Paul voted to repeal the Clinton-era .... Follow Glenn Greenwald on Twitter: @ggreenwald.

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Let us revisit the following via Mark Ames of Pando Media (nobody can accuse Ames of being a "Hillbot" so let's have a look at our NSA 'heroes," their neo-Confederate foot soldiers, and the Putin connection):

"Libertarian Bun Fights" (August 23, 2013_

"Every traveling circus needs a good emcee, and the Greenwald-Fein-Hornberger "Monsters Of Libertarian Rawq Tour 2012" didn't disappoint: each of their college campus performances featured "moderator" Jack Hunter, a.k.a. "The Southern Avenger." Yes, that Jack Hunter — Rand Paul's white supremacist staffer and ghost writer forced to resign in July after Hunter's bizarre pro-Confederacy puke ("John Wilkes Booth Was Right") was exposed. The "Southern Avenger" is a staffer at Young Americans for Liberty, sponsor of the Greenwald-Fein-Horberger college campus tour.

That's a lot of right-wing Confederate puke to process, I know. And believe me it gets much worse than this, so let me back up and repeat the scenario for you: Bruce Fein is Lon Snowden's attorney; Glenn Greenwald, civil liberties attorney and journalist, is Edward Snowden's closest confidant and the journalist to whom the NSA leaks have been entrusted. WikiLeaks and Julian Assange have managed most of Edward Snowden's life in exile, including his defection to Russia. Bruce Fein, Glenn Greenwald, Julian Assange and Edward Snowden are all fans of Ron Paul and Rand Paul. Bruce Fein and Glenn Greenwald toured college campuses together last year speaking about "civil liberties" on a tour that included "Southern Avenger" neo-Confederate Rand Paul aide Jack Hunter, and the president of a far-right libertarian outfit that pushes neo-Confederate revisionist propaganda, and which also sponsored the tour. We also learned over the past few days that Julian Assange has allied with far-right parties in his native Australia."


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Robyn: shit is getting real for Trump's Nazi supporters (this would be why they're now trying to distance themselves from "Weev"):

Southern Poverty Law Center (Jan. 2017) "'Trump's Troll' Johnson, neo-Nazi hacker 'weev' implicated in Peter Smith's futile scheme to obtain Hillary Clinton's emails from dubious sources." (Russia Investigation)https://www.splcenter.org/h...

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You know what John Milius ALSO wrote, I just found out? That classic right-wing paranoiac fantasy, the original "Red Dawn." In which a high school football team succeeds where the entire US military fails, by defeating the Soviet armed forces.

I just found that out on Rational Wiki. They also had another hilarious analysis on that movie, as follows:

To anybody claiming that Hollywood is dominated by liberals and is unable to make a film about "Real America" of God, guns and glory, here is your answer. This film hits all the wingnut Reagan-era bases: environmentalists are stabbing America in the back! We can't trust those flaky Europeans to stand up to the Evil Empire! Illegal immigrants are plotting against us! Gun control means we won't be able to fight back against the invasion![1] We need the most powerful military on the planet if we are going to contain the enemy! And the big one: the Reds are going to invade this country any minute now and we better prepare! It's not for nothing that National Review Online has named it one of the best conservative movies of all time.[2] This shouldn't surprise anybody who knows the first thing about the film's writer and director, John Milius (who also wrote Dirty Harry and Apocalypse Now, among many other films) — he's a self-proclaimed "Zen anarchist" and gun nut who's described himself as so far to the right that he looped back at some point and became a Maoist.[3]

It might be said that one saving grace is that the Wolverines go out in a blaze of glory—at least the movie shows them being killed in the end, rather than going on valiantly fighting the good fight. Or worse yet, staging a a scrappy underdog victory from the jaws of the Evil All-Powerful (but somehow not very competent) Commies.

At least one person, though, has argued that Red Dawn has the exact opposite message. At Cracked.com, Philip Moon insists that the film is really a subversive anti-war movie — nobody in the US notices the massive military buildup across the Rio Grande and the Bering Strait, the US has alienated its allies so much that Canada doesn't even warn the US that Soviets are coming, or even bothers to stop them, the US armed forces are completely impotent when the invasion comes, and the Wolverines get more respect from the Reds than from their own goddamn country.[4] On the other hand, the same website has also analyzed the movie as an allegory for the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, meant to show why Americans should care about what is happening there.[5]


Hmm....so the Russians could cross the Bering Strait and drive all the way to Seattle without anyone -- or anything, like weather, supplies, or lousy communications -- stopping them. Interesting. Good thing we have Sarah Palin out there to keep an eye on those pesky Russkies!

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Inciting terrorist attacks against an identifiable group is a crime in Canada as it is in most civilized countries. Your mileage may vary.

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Here's to them turning on each other like a pack of jackals.

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Agreed. It's clear, succinct and to-the-point. It's my fave XKCD, which is saying a lot because I luvs me some XKCD.

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In a nutshell, all of this fuckery further proves only what we knew all along.

To Nazi Trumpians, free speech means that they can say ANYTHING they like, and no one, NO ONE, can do ANYTHING about it!

Because free speech.

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A triple threat!

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Which one?

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The fact that you even wrote this is an infringement on their free speech. You bastard!

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And then there's this asshole...

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