"nice crunchy lettuce" FTW.

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A little of both. Voters, even the non-stupid ones, just don't follow this stuff closely and won't care unless something truly awful happens that they can't help but notice (e.g., hyperinflation). And Democrats are genuinely awful at messaging. Look at this issue--we call it "raising the debt ceiling" which--sounds bad! Sounds like we're authorizing more debt! Which is technically true but completely misses the key point that THIS IS PAYING OUR EXISTING BILLS. Better messaging would be calling this "vote to authorize the Treasury to pay its existing debts" because it sounds more responsible than "raising the debt ceiling". Better yet, tack on a measure on the next spending bill to say "this automatically makes the debt ceiling raised as necessary to pay Treasury's debts", Republicans will bitch about it but just pass it so this stupid issue never comes up again.

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So I was looking for additional info and found that the tree was called "The All-American Christmas Tree," had red, white and blue ornaments Sounds like it was a homeless guy who did and and so far no one in law enforcement is saying it's political. Fox people have a sad, and a mad."The “red, white and blue themed” tree is decorated with “with 10,000 glass ornaments [and] 100,000 lights,” according to Fox News, and it took “over 21 hours to assemble.”On Wednesday morning, the “Fox & Friends” co-hosts expressed outrage over the fire and vowed that a new tree would soon be installed on the “Fox Square” plaza.“This is vandalism,” said co-host Ainsley Earhardt. “You know, Fox had to pay for this tree. Fox had to put all the ornaments on it. Fox gives so much joy to all of you when you come to New York and you see it — or when you see it on TV, or you walk into the building, or you’re walking around the building and you hear the music.”“Someone did this to spoil our Christmas,” Earhardt said. “But that’s not going to happen. This scrooge is not going to get away with it.” https://www.politico.com/ne...

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Such a dumb issue. I wish 50 Democrats could be smart enough to realize voters simply don't care about the debt ceiling (or debt in general) and the only way they'll notice is if we default and it actually causes a financial collapse, so just pass a measure ending the debt ceiling entirely and forever, let Republicans make a stink that no one will care about, and hell while you're at it give the measure a nice name like "Ensure All Future Treasury Debts are Paid" so it sounds good and responsible. But of course we can't get 50 Senate Democrats to end the stupid filibuster so I don't expect this either.

Note--brinksmanship games with McConnell will never work, considering he has no soul, has to answer to dim bulbs like Rand Paul, and is in the minority so disaster can only work in his favor. But then, Schumer's problem is less McConnell and more Sinemanchin.

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I know they're the biggest hypocrites on the planet but Ted "green eggs and ham" Cruz bitching about political games has to be a new low.

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a anti-vaxx cousin and her husband both died of Covid right before Thanksgiving. Of COURSE there was a huge funeral, up in anti-vaxx country (central MN). Mercifully, my 86-and 87-year old mom & dad decided not to risk going, even though the cousin was one of mom's favorites.I am so angry, I can't even grieve.I bought sympathy cards for the other cousins, but can't even bring myself to sign & send them. Goddam them for putting the rest of through this.

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Fuck these people. The last President who balanced the budget and had in fact a budget surplus was Bill Clinton. He only did that because he was a "Third Way" Democrat who bought Republican bullshit about the deficit, and of course they gave him zero credit for it. Republicans by themselves have never not run net deficits, often huge ones.

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I say this frequently, but there are days when it seems, not enough.I despise Moscow Mitch.

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This is just logic.

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They should lay everyone in the military off for a month or two, see how that goes over.

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Are Dems that bad at messaging, or the American people really that stupid? https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I remember "W" ran it right back up, I think.

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No other President has cut taxes and started a war, two wars in fact.

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I gave up on that side of my family a couple of decades ago. There was never anyway to have a meaningful discussion on religion. I had a cousin tell me when I was eight years old that my mother was going to hell because she didn't wear a covering 24/7. Fuck them. I feel sorry for the women, and my gay cousin who was sent to conversion therapy, but I'll be damned if I'm going to visit them or go to a family reunion so I can be set up to be the freak show to the young ones to show what happens if you fall off the straight and narrow.

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These guys would literally set the house on fire while they sit on the couch smoking a cigarette.

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