Comey hid in the drapes and mumbled something about Hillary. They thought it was their own idea.

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"Mother Pence"Never gets old.

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These guys ain't so smart.

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My favorite Pence lie is Of course not!:

After Donald Trump Jr.’s admission Sunday that he met with a Kremlin-linked lawyer after being promised damaging information about Hillary Clinton in June 2016, attention turned to the Trump administration’s denials that any such meetings took place.“Did any adviser or anybody in the Trump campaign have any contact with the Russians who were trying to meddle in the election?” CBS’s John Dickerson asked then Vice President-elect Mike Pence on Jan. 15.“Of course not,” Pence replied. “And I think to suggest that is to give credence to some of these bizarre rumors that have swirled around the candidacy and — the fact that a few news organizations, not this one, actually trafficked in a memo that was produced as opposition research and associated that with intelligence efforts I think could only be attributed to media bias. And I said this week at the press conference, the American people are tired of it.”

He's almost as big a fucking liar as Trump himself. He needs to go down just as hard!

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Ben Carson endorses this because that's prison life for ya.

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The one with the silver mane?

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People also might bring up the etched in stone Christian commandment not allowing "false witness" (aka lying/misleading) when discussing Mike Pence and these situations;-- But we need to remember Mike Pence is a Real-Christian™ so the 10 Commandments don't apply to him.

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Don't expect Lyin' Mike to go down with the Trumptanic. After the Dems take the House in 2018 and impeach Trump, the price the Republicans will extract for enough Senators to agree to remove him, is that Pence will be left alone to complete the term.

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See, Trump is doing a great service to the one percent richest assholes!

Who even thinks about them taking all our monies anymore, what with this gate and that gate and Russia and Nazis and Boy Scouts and, well, who even thinks about the one percent billionaire assholes these days? Oh, and Korea.

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he looks like every pinch-faced, disapproving, holier-than-thou church lady i ever met as a kid

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I am so smrt.S.M.R.T.https://media.giphy.com/med...

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I think it's a ditch.

That keeps getting dug deeper and deeper and deeper...

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I mean...damn. You just want to punch it...

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A flourish of strumpets.

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