Well, now I'm going to have to check out Maine! Thanks for the tip. 8)

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I traveled and checked out different places, to live in the states.Had some close ties in Florida, and have spent most of my adulthood here. I married a Canadian, and moved to British Columbia, when Bush 2 stole the election, with the help of the supreme court.Canada is amazing, and California in parts of the south is similar politically. I love Florida's warmer winters. But you are right, Maine is beautiful.

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Clearly, she gave McConnell her commitment to vote "Aye". She has plenty of time to let everyone forget these things because she's not up for election. Remember her stupid remarks during the ACA votes. She got nothing for siding with the GOP like she said she would Hopefully her constituents remember this and vote her out. She's as Republican as any of them in the Senate. Not a swing vote at all. Just pretends to be to get the press

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Good to know. I'm all-in for Janz who could beat that fucker Nunes.

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I don't think she has an opponent yet. She's not due for re-election until 2020, IIRC.

You could make a pledge here: https://www.crowdpac.com/ca...

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Comparing Susan Collins to a whore is insulting the whore.

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We only know that he failed on this one occasion, not that he failed on other attempts.

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I don't think this was missed deliberately. The normal background check is fairly cursory. Check criminal databases to look for outstanding warrants or serious misdemeanor or felony convictions and when they were. Check driving records looking for DUI's and similar. A shallow look into finances looking for obvious criminal activity with maybe a credit check as well. Basically they check what he says vice what is in the systems.

This is not even as in depth as a secret security clearance check, let alone a top secret. He was not on the FISA court and would not have needed a clearance for the 12th circuit. He might have had one while in the Bush WH, but I do not know if he did or what level it was if any. This is akin to something an employer would do before hiring you. The difference is that the FBI does does it because it's for a federal position. If no report was filed by Prof Ford, there would be no red flag in the system and no indication that a deeper dig would be needed.

Things have come a long way in the last few decades. When I joined the Army in 1989 the recruiter called the surrounding county courthouses in my states and probably the surrounding state level courthouses to see if I had a disqualifying felony or was wanted by the law. That took days, weeks. Now a recruiter can have a full worldwide search done less than a minute. It;s the same across the board as more info gets uploaded to the databases, the checks become easier, but with no one on one interaction, things will be missed.

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Thanks. This is the sort of thing that makes that effing news-bias chart so useless. Because everyone to the right of Wonkette, including the supposedly neutral center, just adopts the right's language uncritically, and does not provide this kind of explanation.

Also, you missed the possibility that they did know about this, but simply didn't understand how it could be a problem, because they all fucking do shit like this.

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I'm NOT defending either of these rapey assholes. Jesuswasablack was the one suggesting that Franken was "railroaded" and didn't deserve to lose his seat.

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That would work well- Loring is about as empty as LePage's head and about as cold as his heart. I think you are onto something!

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WTF is wrong with Susan Collins? The answer is simple, she knows Americans have the attention span of gnats, she's four years away from a reelection campaign, and pretty rightly assumes Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation to SCOTUS won't be an issue she'll have to defend herself against.

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At least McCain knew at the end just how empty the current junta is. Even Shrub had a few decent folks on a few levels to keep the government functioning. Don Don is doing his unlevel best to turn American into a failed state.

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There are people with dicks - then there are people who ARE dicks. Guess which one she is.

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I want to rewind the time machine back to 2012, when people considered Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins as 'two peas in a pod'. It wasnt true then and never has been, any semblence of thought or gravitas that Collins ever possessed was her poor imitation of Sen Snowe and now that Olympia has gone, Sen Collins has been shown to be the weak willed simpleton she has always been.

Have a great day!

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Wow.... now that was an awesome rant!

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