I cannot stand the gov't. of Israel. They leech off the American taxpayer, suck Republican dick, the Repubs reciprocate, and then Israel has the nerve to spy on us anyway. We were sending those jerks money at the height of the recession, while their economy was booming. Fuck them.

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If you follow this stuff, it wasn't that hard to predict. When we lost PA, I knew we were done. There were a only a handful of states in play. Florida, North Carolina, would be worth investigating, IMHO, because they were the precursers. Losing them made PA critical. Losing PA made MI and WI icing on the cake. I will never forget that night, texting with friends and cousins on the east coast, and then with children in later time zones. We were all gobsmacked. And horrified.

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I still allege that those razor thin margins were do to vote-tabulation hacking. They were in the states that Trump was seen/heard to be discussing in a public restaurant, as in "if we get these three states we'll take the electoral vote".Why is there no proof? I allege that is because Jill Stein's efforts to get recounts was stopped. What did she have to gain from that? Recount money, apparently, but how about a kickback for bringing up the issue so that it could be called double jeopardy if anyone else brought it up. My theory is getting a little hazy here, but what a coincidence that the three states Trump needed were the razor thin margins.

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And didn't record their psychopharmica for us. dang!ps late reply, sorry.

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First I think you make a good argument. I appreciate your opinion. My feeling is the average republican/independent doesn't want to accept the facts because the truth to them is just to inconceivable .It shakes them to their core the idea that a US President would acted treasonously to gain the office.

Therefore, when someone with the title of expert starts saying it's not true, it is over blown, there other ways to explain this complex computer stuff that only few can access, they'll jump on it. I read the New Yorker article, and the Slate the day they were released. I just feel when you start talking IP addresses, servers most people have a general minimal understanding. Yes some generations are more computer literate then other generations, but even these generations sometimes are susceptible to ideas that are far fetched--example the whole Q shit.

Like I said I didn't mean any disrespect. I did not mean to state that because I live in a state full of right wing republicans I have some greater insight. It is just my insight. Again I appreciate you sharing your insight with me.

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I disagree. I don't live in a flyover state and never have, but I'm aware of the demographics. And despite what I said above, I think that even if we're able to set forth a coherent, empirically believable narrative re Russia those who doubt it already aren't going to be swayed. The only thing that will change most current conservative minds is if you step in the way of their immediate personal gratification. We can't fix what 50+ years of Republican propaganda has destroyed. The best thing progressives can do is get off our butts, whip up turnout and engagement, win the House, and stabilize democracy the best we can until we blast this mofo out of office in a cannon (with votes!) in 2020. He'll never be indicted, he'll never do jail time, and only history will destroy him. At this point, I think we need to focus on getting him out and moving forward.

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I think Revelations was written by a group of old guys, tripping their asses off because of either ergot poisoning, or some desert plant with hallucinogenic properties.

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All that End times hooey is fake Christianity- the real one is in "The Sermon On The Mount"

Carmalite doctrine is all anyone needs- whether Buddhist (from whence came the S.O.T.M.)- or atheist or Spaghetti monstering. "Be nice, practice humility, don't greed etc"

That little passage is all that is needed- the end times bit isn't even Christian or Jewish or even sensible.

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SpiderMueller needs to hurry the hell up while we still have a country.

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and more red string

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"You want to be smarter than your people, if possible."

Narrator: It wasn't possible.

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Hopefully Nader will prove to be Trump's nadir. And look...there's Don Junior's name popping up again! Anything else?

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Deutsche Uber Alles!!!!!!!!!

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Cruz would've lost to Clinton. 1) Putin and Cruz would not have meshed, and 2) Trump "says it like it is", Cruz would have been The Establishment just more loathable.

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Could be worse.


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My mind is spinning, but it might just be the alcohol....

(A milk stout with coconut and chocolate, to be precise)

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