'she says she's not going to "guess" under oath'. Guess? GUESS? Lady, we're not talking how many kids got splinters or scraped knees. We're talking how many GOT DEAD. I expect you to know in minute detail what happened to every single one of those children, when, why, and who exactly is being held accountable. EVEN IF ITS YOU, you withered, soulless ghoul from a nameless rock off the coast of Unknown Kadath's outer realms. May the Elder Gods terminate her service and call her home to report ahead of schedule. *spits into my palm*

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Question: you know how with the birth control coverage with ACA, there were exceptions made for "sincerely held religious beliefs"?

I wonder if you can argue you were helping immigrants with food and water because your sincerely held religious beliefs say to help the poor and needy? Turn that argument on its head in a circumstance where it'd truly apply.

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I had a poster of that Chesterfield ad when I was a teenager. I dug it out of my dad’s old stuff. I think my sister liberated it.

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I think this guy is about to find out: https://www.azcentral.com/s...(apologies for linking to such a pop-up beset site)

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less annoying article that suggests he was arrested (after previously working under an understanding that No More Deaths was a "neutral party" to be left alone) because they had been documenting officials pouring out the water they left for migrants. Fuck ICE forever. https://www.nbcnews.com/new...

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That's exactly what prompted my post! I tweeted at my senator (Sinema) with this same idea.

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I do not know how Nielsen ratings work but I'm giving Kjirstjen a, -0.-0.What this figure of a person doesn't know about human tragedy and compassion could fill a child detention center or 12. Oh wait, that's exactly what it does.

Is Kjirtjen trying to win the Stephen HAF Miller award? HAF = Heartless As Fuck.

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Don’t be silly. “Sincerely held religious” beliefs are only for justifying discrimination and making life miserable for others. If Jesus wanted his followers to help the poor and the sick, surely he would have mentioned that once or twice.

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Before Trump, the House really needs to consider impeaching Kirstjen Njjielsjjon.

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Or a box.

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The sad thing is, you've probably taken the words of of their mouth!!

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Fuck everyone in this administration with the 2+ Rusty Chainsaw of Votes

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I'll share this here again. I happen to agree with my friend Beau here. These people should quit. If you have any decency in you, quit your job with I.C.E. I think he's right there will come a day when people like Nielsen will be held accountable. Decent Americans have had enough. https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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His fever was 103??! That's not even close to being acceptable for sending him back to a cell. That's hospital territory, especially for a child. That's near brain-boiling temperatures. Fuck these people.

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