Not this William Joyce:http://www.theguardiansofch...

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Because bad.

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It's not personal responsibility so much as something innate in a person. Not everyone is capable of rising above and not everyone is capable of wanting to. It gets phrased in various ways but there really is something you either have inside or you don't that lets you choose to be better. So many people go through trauma and abuse and become better people for choosing to not perpetuate the cycle..... others cannot find it in themselves to not grind others down as they were. Call it moral weakness, terminal lack of give a fuck, a tendency towards evil, who you are in the dark, whatever. They have the choice and they fail each and every time to be decent human beings.

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A.J. Ayer addressed this in "Language Truth & Logic": "...as Kant pointed out, existence is not an attribute."

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Susan Collins. First, her soft heart persuades her to voice concern when something happens that deserves concern voicing, then her soft heart persuades her to toe the party line, so as not to be the party pooper.

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Except ol' Cucker McSwansonmillions would never be so *honest* as to say, the Left wants people to be able to eat, have shelter and healthcare, and just generally pursue life, liberty and happiness. Because how can you demonize that?

No, it's much more like, the Left wants OPEN BORDERS so all those CRIMINAL BROWN PEOPLE can come in and STEAL YOUR JERBS while simultaneously getting ALL FREE STUFF FROM THE GUMMINT and you know who will have HIGHER TAXES to pay for it? YOU, maybe barely making it White Person! YOU WILL BE ENSLAVED. So that *other* people, lazy, undeserving people, can have it easy. Also, NO MORE STEAKS FOR YOU, ever; and for sure you can NEVER GO TO CHURCH AGAIN. That's the message being put out.

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I hope the law firm that represents dominion and smartmatic has a team of paralegals that just watch fox OAN and newsmax all day waiting for them to say something fucked up. and I hope today they're on the phone with george floyd's family telling them how much they could get in a defamation suit

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This.^ The lack of intelligence/thinking skills is one of the US's biggest problems.

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I'd really like to know what cities were destroyed by BLM. I imagine something as consequential as destroying an entire city couldn't be covered up no matter how much of a stranglehold the libs have on the media.

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Fucks’ Noose should be renamed: “Changing the Narrative.” That’s all Tucker and his filthy colleagues are doing, taking reality that makes white folk sad and telling them it’s actually something else, and that black people are to blame! Ahhhhh, what a relief! I was feeling icky about Jan 6 and that horrible officer Chauvenism or whatever his name is killing a helpless, terrified black man. Now I feel good! And that POS Tucker Carlson utters the words “sowing division?” That’s literally all he does. His show is a threat to all Americans. Accepting reality, feeling guilt and responsibility, that’s healthy. He’s selling misinformation as a tonic that relieves terrible people of any need to change. As The Great Man said, “you are special and we love you.” Never change, America.

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Handi-wipes after sex? You're far too generous to Tucker. Anyone he'd really like to fuck wouldn't touch him with a ten-foot pole, and anyone willing to fuck him, well, remember that pole?

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According wingnuts, Portland has been burning to the ground every night since July.

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George Floyd's family needs to sue Fox News. Like Seth Rich's parents had to, to stop the lies.

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Very good summation.

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The timelords, or whoever, must be rebuilding it every night, so they can do it all again.

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I figured his mom left because his dad was abusive.

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