My condolences on your loss, my dear. And yes to everything you said about grief :(

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Oh hey, why don't you go fuck yourself?

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Fuck you.

I'm old. What she's describing is different.

Show some fucking respect.

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"But not all of us are"

Yes, you are.

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What a great pontificator you are! NOT! You have the verbal skills and the wit of a pre-schooler.... 😝😂😂😂🙄

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I was going to engage in a spirited but logical discussion, but then I realized that basically you said everything that needed to be said.

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I think you don't really understand what a scam is. Every article in Wonkette is followed by the beg, but we are free to read the materials without donating, if that is what we wish. There is no pretense that they are publishing out of altruistic reasons. The fact that they are in business is right out in the open. How in the hell could that be construed as a scam? What a maroon.

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Condolences on the loss of your mother.

I lost my wife at the age of 46 a number of years ago. Life after death has always, even before that, a subject of interest for me, and after her death I got 5 or 6 'readings' from psychics. I did NOT do it out of desperation in any sense...much more like an experiment. I didn't spend very much money, probably less than $100. I was extremely careful not to reveal my full name, any details about my loss (whether it was a spouse, parent, sibling, child, etc), their gender, where I lived, when the loss happened, anything.

All of them gave me details that were comically inaccurate, that pertained to neither my wife nor anyone in my circle of friends or family who had passed. I even did a 'psychometry' reading with a psychic, using three watches. Two of them were smallish, ladies-sized fashion watches, the other was a large sports watch, which was in fact my wife's, and asked the psychic to identify the watch with the 'energy' associated with my lost loved one. She missed on first try. Gave her another chance. She missed on the second try. She didn't get a third try, obviously.

One psychic, who had a very good reputation from others in the recently-widowed internet group I joined, did a reading over the phone. I controlled my breathing, gave flat, short answers to her questions...and after 10 minutes, she said I was "too dense". And didn't offer to refund my money.

Having said all this, I am absolutely open to the idea of spirits, persistence of consciousness, and even the phenomena of spirit communication...in theory. Absence of evidence is not always evidence of absence. But I lost interest in finding evidence for it - my experience suggests that if the phenomenon is real, it's rare. I did get validation that there are plenty of fakes out there...I had the misfortune of encountering some laughably bad ones.

The TV psychics are mostly very good at what they do, which is performance art for the grieving. Some people need that. I did not.

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At the Cecil with the weird elevator footage? People have worked their butts off to turn a very sad story into a spooky one.

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I read just an excerpt of this and it devastated me.

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That was the article where I knew I was all in, donating, the whole deal--I was in my office and crying from laughing so hard I was afraid to run to the bathroom. I had an actual asthma attack with that article and the non-comments that followed.Epic.

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Right? After the first one I think I'd insist on living in a one-story house. I'd never want to climb a set of stairs again if my beloved fell to her death. His mileage apparently varies.

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When I used to go on auditions, even though I'm not religious or woo, I used to take a minute and write out the names of actors I wanted to "be with me" on a note card beforehand. It helped me focus. I'd then fold it and put it in my pocket, and I felt like it gave me strength and calmed my nerves.I didn't charge anyone for that, or take advantage of someone's pain, and nobody knew but me.

That's what I think is the right amount of "woo".

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Psychics should be outlawed and not able to hide behind the “for entertainment purposes” bullshit. Every one of them is a scam.

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I thought the same thing!

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