May their memories always be a blessing, and may the injured heal.

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I had several texts from non-Wisconsin friends along the same lines today. You guys aren't wrong.

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You couldn't drive in the rain. A solid downpour will be hitting your vehicle with kilos of water. Say, the equivalent of a bucketful. We'll that is 10 kilos, the weight of a two year old child. It would not be able to distinguish that the impact WASN'T a child.

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So, you read and write Bulgarian? Good for you. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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A Tesla would never have allowed that.

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Are you fucking insane? BLOCKED.

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you'd have to finesse the heck out of it, as Darth Trad said below the rain would be an immediate issue - it may be that the technology is beyond us at this point - but if you are mechanically inclined, i'd love to see it built! gotta start somewhere, right?

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The circuit I'm asking about reacts to the tiny voltage a person has on their skin, rain doesn't have that.

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thank you for reminding me of that. it's been a while since i've seen or done anything related to rIII

(and i'm always looking for fab shakespeare scenes for our summer scene mash-up).

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They're waiting for George Zimmerman to join them....birds of a feather and all.

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I just can't.

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Obviously not out of the question. Doesn't absolve killing five people or injuring a score more, but we DO NOT HAVE all the facts yet.

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Or normalizes police brutality or misconduct, something even shows like Diagnosis Murder and Murder, She Wrote did.

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Nope.Getting behind the wheel impaired is still a choice and he deserves to have the book thrown at him.

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I'd simply say, in all our long history, how's that working out? And I'd point out that, anytime we develop new technology, the FIRST thing we do is try and weaponize it.

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