Trump would be more hassle than he's worth. Someone (no names mentioned) might be tempted to slip a little polonium into his Diet Coke after a few days...

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A) Fuck you.B) On my oath as a good commenter, I am ending this, and C) Fuck you.

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We could call it the Green House!

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Uncle Vlad will always have a dacha ready for him.

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Sounds like the right know their own when they see them.

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That was powerful Robyn. I wish it would be read out loud coast-to-coast and everyFRIGGINwhere. Well done!

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Vlad may not want Trump around after he's outlived his usefulness.

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I hear the dacha is equipped with a fully stocked samovar.

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"Nazi punks, fuck off," maybe?

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So the first person can't be charged for it, because no one has ever been charged for it. That's some impressively circular logic. 🤬

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I'm reading a bio of Ulysses Grant. Seems a year or so after he kicked Rebel sister-fucker* ass a group of black men were having a conference in New Orleans.The group was attacked by cops, who shot them, and then a crowd beat the wounded and dead until they were bloody pulps. For freedom!They also attacked several white Republicans who were either with the group or tried to come to their defense, but I think they all lived. That wasn't the only incident of mass murder by a long shot, but it's the worst one mentioned in the book -- so far, at least.I'm going to have to read a good book on Reconstruction because I'm wanting more information on this shit now.

* I'm descended from the Lees of Virginia, but I hate those racist Southern dipshits with a passion greater than the heat of a million supernovas.Grant gave Bobby Lee very fair terms and then came to his defense when Johnson tried to prosecute him later. And then Lee refused Grant's entreaties to tell his fellow assholes to chill the fuck out and not be violent dicks.Maybe Gen. Sherman didn't teach those assholes enough of a lesson.

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If I snuck into an ICU and crushed the windpipe of a 90-year-old man with emphysema and COVID-19 on a ventilator until he died, that would still be murder. It's insane that the defense is, "it's only murder if the victim was completely healthy."

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Thank you Supreme Court. But there may be an end to QI in site:


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Amash is, on occasion, on the correct side of things.

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Dream on! Batista and his retinue occupied an entire floor of the best hotel in Madeira for a long time.

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