a great reckoning in a quiet room.

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I'm kinda mad at myself for <em>not</em> thinking of it. Although, I do live in his district, until November, or is it January the new boundaries take effect?

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It's all very easy to explain, people.

We just won't.


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I predict many people will be retiring by throwing themselves under Mitt's car wheels.

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Agreed (you can see the discussion, I believe...feel free to join in)

Anyway, here's the punchline. The dude's a scientist and when I asked for a source, he declined. I'd ask him if there was a personal connection between him and rape/alimony/child support, but I'm not that mean...


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Probably right...besides, fucked is fucked so it matters not.<br /><br /><br />---

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Stay strong. I would prefer that you hang around and asshole like my acquaintance not live in the world any more.

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It gets better...

"Trust me, the word "crisis" is liberally applied"

Seriously...he put the word crisis from "Rape Crisis" into scare quotes?

I am so teeing up on this asshole.

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Unfortunately, his is in fact a scientist...a physicist. I know him from when we were in a band together. From what I was able to gather his ex-wife got a generous (aka fair) settlement from the divorce.

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No doubt...he was once married to a woman that "cleaned him out". If by cleaned out he meant he lived in a nice house, had an extensive guitar collection, and drove a Porsche, then yah...this fucker was just above the poverty line.

Just for the record...he's not my friend. Just a former bandmate.

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Now where's that seed money... I know I left it around here somewhere, probably with Saddam's WMD's, but I can't remember where I put those either.

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By deferring retirement because IRAs are too low or health insurance is too high, the olds hold on to jobs that otherwise could be filled by the youngs. That's why keeping social security (and personal savings when you're older) away from stock market is a good idea: It lets you retire when the market is bad, or when your employer needs to uncreate your job due to another Bush (or clone) being elected.

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From your avatar, very likely!

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Ira's name reminds Mitt of that awful socialist act that tried to regulate banks.

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OT, but I shared that SC rape thing on my FB page and one of the folks on my list piped up and said that the centers were just places where women could learn how to squeeze more alimony and child support out of the "bad men".

This made me wonder...since when do rapists have to pay alimony and child support?

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I don't know to which group I belong. I was born in '61. By some measures I'm a boomer (going up to 1964), by others I'm an x-er.

This is a silly question any since I'm fucked either way.

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