I'm sure his transition team will have a list of people to be immediately fired on January 20. I hope he also has them personally escorted out like Trump likes to do, in case they actually show up for work. They will also have a list of lower level political appointees to be canned a few days later. Gonna be a lot of acting staff early on but if we get the Senate, permanent leadership should be in place fairly quickly.

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Maybe hiking the Appalachian Trail?

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Get the original Russian, if you don't speak it, you'll have time to learn

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That would certainly explain his distinctive voice...

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I understand Drops is having a sale on language packs this month.

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Apparently, according to the UCMJ, you can't cheat on your spouse but you can lie to the American people about the handling of a deadly pandemic, thus putting millions of people at risk.This admiral is a disgrace to the service.

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my niece is a preschool teacher in germany, she said that the german government has lots of regulations to keep everybody safe, and since she's a teacher she has a covid test at least once every 2 weeks. of course those rules do not apply on US military bases.

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IMHO, I don't think Biden and his people will have to fire a lot of people from the Trump Administration. They know they will be better off quitting than getting fired.It's the same, old, new sheriff in town effect, git out while the gitten's good.

When I took over a location, I only had to fire 1 or 2 people. But had 100% turnover in no time at all.

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Even my state of Texas has said that there will be no changes to the testing guidelines. TEXAS. https://www.reuters.com/art...

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"Senior official performing the duties of permanent latrine orderly."

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Be careful about lumping people into groups by their age. Boomers are a diverse group of people, and grifters and sociopaths exist in every age group, including yours. A lot of boomers have been lifelong progressive activists and still are, including many of us on this site. We aren't your parents, or whoever you are grudgy against.

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I think they might actually try to stay on, given that they are all incompetents who could not get a job scooping poop anywhere. Yeah, gonna need some deep sweeping out the door.

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You know an idea is really dog-shit if even Abbot-run Texas is like, "nah, we're not gonna do that."

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Fuuuuuuuuuu. We have to request absentee ballots in Maryland, too, though now they're saying they're going to send applications to all registered voters. But they're going out a little late, given the disarray and fuckery with the USPS. So folks just might have to go vote in person after all. What shitshow.

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Once after #Impeached45 is gone, can Giroir be court-marshalled?

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Oh, it's done already--didn't you notice?

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