Oh, they know about the war, but it's the War of Northern Aggression.
The first year I spent in the US was as a graduate student at UT Austin. My office mate was a most agreeable chap, and smart enough to be working on a PhD in mathematics. One evening, for reasons I don't remember, he started talking about the War of Northern Aggression, and I'm pretty sure there was no irony at all in his use of the term. Showed me photos of the burning of Atlanta. Afterwards we went out to find fresh doughnuts*.
Thirty-five years on, and here I am living in Louisiana. Have I learnt nothing?
*Damn you, whatever spellchecking demon is operating here, I will not use "donuts".
It would be asking too much for someone from that region who, y'know, wants to get involved with the legislative process - and who now has paid staffers to do his research for him - to further his own education. Unless it somehow served some entirely different purpose to spout inaccuracies, like a national disgrace...
Isn't there some sort of national security policy to keep those three from being in the same public place at the same time, lest a disaster of some sort render us douchebagless?
<blockquote>Fortunately, there is no dearth of pictures of Lindsey Graham looking fetchingly butch so we&rsquo;re OK for a while. (Lowly not-editor&rsquo;s note: isn&rsquo;t that picture terrifying at that size???) </blockquote>
Is it just me, or does Miss Lindsay&#039;s grin in that pic say &quot;I&#039;ve fucked more guys in my life than these three fine looking young women will in theirs... combined&quot;?
Lindsey is correct. Human rights are God-given. In other words, they should be the product of popularity contests, or &quot;elections.&quot; The majority should make decisions about what rights the minorities should have.
Oh, they know about the war, but it&#039;s the War of Northern Aggression.
The first year I spent in the US was as a graduate student at UT Austin. My office mate was a most agreeable chap, and smart enough to be working on a PhD in mathematics. One evening, for reasons I don&#039;t remember, he started talking about the War of Northern Aggression, and I&#039;m pretty sure there was no irony at all in his use of the term. Showed me photos of the burning of Atlanta. Afterwards we went out to find fresh doughnuts*.
Thirty-five years on, and here I am living in Louisiana. Have I learnt nothing?
*Damn you, whatever spellchecking demon is operating here, I will not use &quot;donuts&quot;.
Josh Romney?
Someone&#039;s always left out/jealous/less attractive.
&quot; fetchingly butch&quot;
That smile so much says, &quot;your breasts have no power here, girls&quot;.
<blockquote> and my are the descendants of the slave-owners just stomping their little feet in rage!</blockquote>
How white is that? -- not Jamie Foxx
Yeah, that works. I&#039;m talking about active participants, though.
It would be asking too much for someone from that region who, y&#039;know, wants to get involved with the legislative process - and who now has paid staffers to do his research for him - to further his own education. Unless it somehow served some entirely different purpose to spout inaccuracies, like a national disgrace...
The Great and Powerful Wizard of Oz ?
Oh, sure, let&#039;s just ignore how nuanced the definition of &quot;people&quot; can be...
Brian Williams?
Joe, John, and Lindsey may be making a &quot;sandwich&quot; themselves, if you know what I mean, *wink*.
Isn&#039;t there some sort of national security policy to keep those three from being in the same public place at the same time, lest a disaster of some sort render us douchebagless?
<blockquote>Fortunately, there is no dearth of pictures of Lindsey Graham looking fetchingly butch so we&rsquo;re OK for a while. (Lowly not-editor&rsquo;s note: isn&rsquo;t that picture terrifying at that size???) </blockquote>
Is it just me, or does Miss Lindsay&#039;s grin in that pic say &quot;I&#039;ve fucked more guys in my life than these three fine looking young women will in theirs... combined&quot;?
Proper biblical marriages were always between one man, one or more women, and possibly a pillar of salt.
Lindsey is correct. Human rights are God-given. In other words, they should be the product of popularity contests, or &quot;elections.&quot; The majority should make decisions about what rights the minorities should have.