Silly, she's rich! Rich people don't go to jail. Unless they screw other rich people out of their money. THEN they might.

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Oddly, kkkops depend on their kkkop union to keep them out of jail!

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“Centralia elite.” Not a common phrase in the English language.

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Luckily for them, police unions are about the only ones the RW typically supports.

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The only general a working person needs.

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But it IS the beginning of the realization that the wages system is outmoded.

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The judge seems to agree with him.

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Scab unions. Ever see one march in solidarity with a strike? Me too, neither.

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Qualified impunity.

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One thing that I think limits it is that our population is a lot older. America 100 years ago was a much younger country on average.

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These were often remote camps, so your only opportunity to quit would be after getting pay and going into town. Probably a lot of them did quit, but conditions were pretty bad elsewhere for working-class men.

As for burning it down, well, you see what Centralia did to them.

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The attitude?

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As Peltier did.

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Thank you for this, Erik. We need this kind of reminder VERY MUCH right now.

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In grade school in the 60s what I learned about the Wobblies was that they weren't serious (hence the silly name) and anyway they were communists and therefore bad. We learned a surprising amount about the labor movement, but it was never about the various massacres, and mostly "everything's fine now except the Teamsters are thugs and anyway 'murica!" sigh.

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This is why knowing history is important.

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