Is he opening the door for the nutbars, or just offering them some rope? (Some people might take offense, but I don't think that way.) *cough*

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"Wearing an ugly man underneath your moustache is a sure way to get hit with a chair and break your nose."

That <i>is</i> good advice!

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<i>other than the fact that the site sometimes takes forever to load</i>

I use Google Chrome for my Wonkette reading. It's the only one so far that actually doesn't bog down after opening a few comments.

(oh and welcome back)

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<a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Matthew_Shepard" target="_blank">Matthew Shepard</a>, for me.

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Yup, my thought also when reading our Editrix's words, "He also reminded America that he (President Obama) is a black man who <i>could have</i> fathered a black boy like Trayvon."

It's an October Surprise that just couldn't be kept under wraps!

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As I've watched the reaction to this terrible event unfold, it has been very interesting to see the general confusion so many people share regarding race vs. ethnicity.

Since the whole idea of different races is largely a cultural myth one could well correctly argue there is only one race (human) and everything after that is ethnicity.

But, we are where we are, so I guess we're stuck with having a few different races. Hispanic and Latino, however, are clearly ethnicity - not race at all. And the key there is self-identification (which can largely be true of race, as well).

Many, many people don't get it. They may have strong opinions and points of view on the subject, of course. But those simply are often not founded in fact.

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My only suggestion regarding Mr. Obama's comments is that it would have been nice if he could have mentioned George Zimmerman's parents are going through a pretty tough time right now, as well.

I understand that if he'd said that some people would see it as making an excuse.

There can be no doubt that the Martin family is going through an extraordinarily difficult situation. Every parents' nightmare is to lose a child. Horrible.

But this isn't a day at the beach for Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman, either.

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The Tea Partiers are able to do this because they haven't thought their beliefs all the way through? Some people believe and then think about it. Others just believe and that's more than enough.

The T-Baggers have one foot on the boat and the other on the dock - and they don't realize they are about to go into the drink.

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In your case, Son, that river would be de Nile.

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I was with some good friends and we were talking about going out to dinner.

"How about Chinese?" I asked. "We had Chinese last night," said my friend.

"In my family we had Chinese every night," said his wife.

He'd forgotten his wife was Chinese. It was pretty cool.

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i found a hoodie dress in a winnetka RESALE shop today.

winnetka is v v white.

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You are going to have to work out your Daddy issues on your own.

It's obvious you are not a parent yourself. It shows.

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To quote Bernard Shaw "Oh subtle one, oh cynic."

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His 'fans' are already debating if his excuses make sense.

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Am I the only one who thinks that Sharpton frequently acts intelligent, but rarely acts intelligently.

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Time will show, I'm sure, the real victim here is Duh Gov'Nuh. She just hasn't told us that yet.

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