Where's my level 135 Wonkette Commenting avatar, bastards??

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Great another thing we can blame him for

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Actually, he was ordering "Ham and sausages" for breakfast, but she misunderstood.

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'Ben's World! Ben's World! Party time! Excellent!'

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Or just to laugh VERY loudly every time one of them uses his name.

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Again? What is this - best of three?

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Back in the day, Sky Guy sent a plague of locusts to punish the pharaoh. Now, he sends a plague of Republican presidential wannabe's but nevergonnabe's.

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"Screw you, Ben Carson!"Chang and Eng Bunker

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That's as good as a lightning bolt!

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Who knew that god was such a troll?

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I think we're up to best 45,374,344 out of 90,748,687.

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Miss L wants to play his organ, which is slightly different.

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Didn't gwb to something similar?

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"Nancy. What did I just say?"

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Questions: What do Ted Cruz and Bristol Palin have in common?

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Forget Michele (one L) Bachman. Save your pity for Bristol. Bristol hasn't gotten laid since her brief marriage to Levi, and got revirginized immediately after Levi dumped her.

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