I read that 'The Forsakable Kimmy Twit' got religion like five years ago.

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In the bleachers, watching.

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Working as an educator years ago, we had to run Shelter In Place drills. What a nightmare. If our school was actually attacked, it would've been really bad. Scared the hell outta me.

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In the modern tradition, a martyr is someone who uses force to make other people follow their religion. So while Kim Davis didn't strap a bomb to her body, she did use her role as a government official to enforce her religious rules on the community. Ergo: martyr.

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“Judicial supremacy is not in the Constitution”

I'm calling it: it won't be long before the politicians pandering to the fundies will just say the Constitution is null and void, and that the Bible (KJV) will dictate the law of the land.

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And it's already printed on the document. No signing or gay cooties involved.

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Oh hell no!! How are they going to claim persecution that way??

For the story to be useful to them, the gawdless killer just HAS to kill the pious young maiden for her faith. That way, not only can they claim to be persecuted for Jesus and get heaven credit, but they can also claim that it's proof he was god because he knew the future when he said his followers would be persecuted for his sake.

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The mind that could encompass "support the troops" while believing "they're coming to Jade Helm us!" has no trouble at all with claiming all government workers are lazy bums while loving the one government worker who is in the news for refusing to do her job.

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Considering they're all taking their cues from the doctrines laid out in the late 1960s by the Chalcedon Foundation and its founder Rushdoony, yes that very thing must inevitably happen, according to their logic. If America is to ruled by Biblical law, i.e. the Word of God as given to us in His Book, then the Constitution will either have to be discarded or so drastically rewritten to make it conform with the Bible as to render it unrecognisable. After all, it is just a 'secular' document conceived by men. Why do these people hate America? Or, why can't they just come out and say publicly, "we hate America, and we want to completely destroy and remake it according to our Christian vision"?

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^ BIngo! The actual story would only work for them if they were just regular, humble ol' Christians who wanted to talk about how Jesus Saves, and had no political agenda.

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That Jade Helm thing was all kinds of crazy. The GOP base never seem to be disgusted when all the things that Rush Limbaugh told them would happen (FEMA camps, death panels, gun grabbing, etc...) never happen.They hold so many viewpoints that are in direct conflict with each other that it hurts my brain. If they were truly Christians they would spend most of their time helping the poor, rather than trying to cut taxes on the rich.

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where you been? they are saying that now. they just aren't acting on it yet.

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Yep and used in places like you'd not expect, like Canada.

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I blame the Canadian Hammy Christianists.

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LOL. Make no doubt about it, Canada has its very own 'mini-Bible belt.'

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